1-11-1: Mayor's Authority To Declare A State Of Emergency
   A.   The Mayor is hereby authorized to render a declaration of a state of emergency within the City based on the following findings and supporting facts:
      1.   There has occurred, or there is an actual imminent danger of the occurrence of, a natural disaster, catastrophe, pestilence, contagious disease or other public health emergency, which is likely to cause loss of life, loss of productivity, hardship or suffering to the persons residing in or doing business in the City.
      2.   The declaration of a state of emergency and the actions to be taken pursuant to that declaration are specifically designed to, and likely to, address and alleviate the potential loss of life, loss of productivity, hardship and suffering.
   B.   The declaration of a state of emergency shall:
      1.   Be in writing and executed under oath;
      2.   Set forth the basis and underlying facts supporting the declaration of a state of emergency;
      3.   Make reference to published statements of federal, state or county agencies whose duty it is to address emergency matters;
      4.   To the extent possible, specify the procedures and protocols to be followed during the state of emergency;
      5.   To the extent possible, make specific reference to any regulations which may be subject to suspension during the state of emergency; and
      6.   Consistent with subsection E. below, set forth the duration of the state of emergency.
   C.   The declaration of a state of emergency shall be filed with the City Clerk as soon as practicable after being issued.
   D.   During said state of emergency, the Mayor shall be authorized to exercise, by executive order, such powers of the Corporate Authorities as may be reasonably necessary to respond to the emergency.
   E.   Any state of emergency declared pursuant to this section shall expire no later than the adjournment of the first regular meeting of the Corporate Authorities after the state of emergency has been declared.
   F.   A declaration of a state of emergency, pursuant to this section, may not suspend in any way the rights of residents of the City under the Illinois Constitution or the United States Constitution. (Ord. 20-O-16, 8-4-2020)