General Provisions
50.01 Application for water connection permit
50.02 Meters
50.03 Plumbers
50.04 Permission required
50.05 Installation of curb stops, valves and boxes, and dual check backflow prevention valves
50.06 Standard service pipe installation
50.07 Inspection and testing
50.08 Right-of-way repair
50.09 Application for water service/security deposit
50.10 Rental properties
50.11 Commercial and residential water rates
50.12 Billing and payment
50.13 Disconnection for non-payment
50.14 Notice of discontinuance required
50.15 Meters failing to register
50.16 Interfering with fire hydrants
50.17 Extension of water pipes
50.18 Water limitations
50.19 Authority of Water Department
50.20 Duty and responsibility of occupant or owner
50.21 Malicious or willful damage to water system
50.22 Water users outside of town limits
50.23 Responsibility for breakage of lines
50.24 Rates and charges for services
50.25 Fees; Water Fund
50.26 Construction standards
50.27 Repairs of city water mains and service lines
Water Piping Systems
50.40 Description
50.41 Materials
50.42 Construction requirements
50.43 Final inspection
50.44 Project acceptance and warranty period
50.45 Acceptance by town
50.46 Initial charging and flushing of water mains
50.47 Inspection fees
50.99 Penalty
(A) As per SDCL § 9-47-28, the owner of every residence, business, structure, or building wherein water is used, abutting upon any street or alley in which municipal water mains are maintained shall, at his or her own expense, connect the residence, business, structure, or building to the municipal water system within 30 days after notice to do so, provided the municipal water main is within 200 feet of his or her property line. Application must be made to the Board of Trustees for permits to connect/tap any water pipe or pipes to the town water supply main. Application must be made by the owner or agent of the property served. Application shall designate the legal description of property, what kind and size of tap to be made, the nature and number of the water users, and be accompanied by the appropriate fee as described below. This fee is to be retained by the town.
(B) The cost of such tap shall be based on the size of the meter:
Residential | Commercial | |
1" | $1,000.00 | $2,000.00 |
1 ½" | $1,000.00 | $2,000.00 |
2" | $1,250.00 | $2,500.00 |
(C) If larger taps are required than depicted in the above table, the rates will increase $250 per one-inch increments for residential and will increase $500 per one-inch increments for commercial.
(D) If the permit is granted, applicant assumes all expenses covering material, labor, etc. for installation and connection of such pipes. This shall include, but is not limited to, curb stops, valves and boxes, and dual check back flow prevention valves and water meters. Applicant shall assume all responsibility, cost, and expense of maintenance and repairs of such components including, but not limited to, such pipes, curb stops, valves and boxes, and dual check back flow prevention valves and water meters, from the property owner’s property line to the structure.
(Ord. 10, passed 6-20-2006; Ord. 10R-2015, passed 2-2-2015; Ord. passed 1-8-2019; Ord. passed 5-18-2021; Ord. passed 4-18-2023)
All connections shall be metered. The town will provide the meter. Only persons designated by the town shall read the meter on or about the twentieth of each month for all service meters. A person, designated by the town, shall read and verify meter and remote once each year to verify accuracy.
(Ord. 10, passed 6-20-2006; Ord. 10R-2015, passed 2-2-2015; Ord. 52.02A, passed 11-21-2017)
Only a duly licensed plumber/contractor, per the Town's Standard Construction Specification and Standard Details, approved by the Town Board, or an employee of the Water Department shall be permitted to do any work on any pipes or connections in any way connected with the town water supply. All such plumbers/contractors shall be governed by state and town regulations that are in force or that may be hereafter adopted.
(Ord. 10, passed 6-20-2006; Ord. 10R-2015, passed 2-2-2015)
Written permission shall be obtained from the supervisor or other officer in charge of the Water Department before plumbing work of any kind shall be done by any plumber in or upon any water pipes, fixtures, or apparatus connected with the town water system.
(Ord. 10, passed 6-20-2006; Ord. 10R-2015, passed 2-2-2015)