A.   The purpose of this title is to establish a subdivision review process that is designed to achieve the objectives of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, title 76, chapter 3, Montana Code Annotated. The process of dividing land into parcels is a necessary and important function in the growth of a community. When, where, and how development occurs establishes land division patterns for the community that will last for generations. The subdivision review process allows the community to take a close look at proposed developments before final action by the Governing Body. Subdivision reviews should be guided by the City growth policy. (Ord. 3164, 9-23-2013)
   B.   The subdivision review process is also designed to:
      1.   Provide a forum for developers, citizens and City officials to jointly identify and resolve issues related to proposed subdivisions;
      2.   Promote agreement among the applicant, City staff and the City Commission on proposed subdivisions;
      3.   Generate information that allows City officials to make informed decisions on subdivision applications;
      4.   Allow developers, citizens and City officials adequate time to review information and to identify and resolve issues;
      5.   Have subdivisions reviewed in a timely and cost efficient manner; and
      6.   Have subdivisions comply with existing State laws and local ordinances. (Ord. 2913, 8-13-2001)