A. A site plan showing the general landscaping and parking lot landscaping must be submitted for review and approval prior to constructing new buildings, changing building size, installing new parking lots, or changing the size of parking lots. The site plan must include the following:
1. Location of proposed general and parking lot landscaping drawn to scale, which scale must be appropriate to the size of the project;
2. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, project boundary lines, parking lots, roadways and rights of way, delineation of sight distance triangles, walking and nonmotorized paths, and utility poles and boxes;
3. Location, installed size, species, and quantity of proposed trees, bushes, shrubs, or other vegetation, and organic and inorganic materials proposed for use; and
4. Estimated date of completion of the installation of the general and parking lot landscaping.
B. The approved general and parking lot landscaping plans may not be changed or altered without review and approval by the community development department. All general and parking lot landscaping shown on an approved plan must be installed. (Ord. 3150, 2-13-2012)