A.   If a conditional use for which a conditional use permit has been granted is not in compliance with the requirements of the conditional use permit, the city may revoke that conditional use permit.
   B.   Prior to revocation, the city must send a written notice of revocation by certified mail to the property owner and the leasee of the property. The revocation notice must:
      1.   Identify which conditions are being violated;
      2.   State that the property must be brought into compliance within fifteen (15) business days of the date of the notice of revocation; and
      3.   Advise the owner that if the violating condition is not brought into compliance within the time specified:
         a.   The conditional use permit will be considered revoked;
         b.   The owner will have to immediately stop using the property for the use for which the conditional use permit was granted; and
         c.   The city will pursue revocation of the business license associated with the conditional use in accordance with provisions of this city code.
   C.   A conditional use permit revoked pursuant to this section may be reinstated upon a showing that all requirements of the conditional use permit are being met.
   D.   If a conditional use permit is not reinstated within one (1) year of the date of the notice of revocation the conditional use permit will be considered void. (Ord. 3279, 1-13-2020)