A.    Conditional use permits may be granted subject to either one-time or ongoing conditions.
   B.   Any conditions imposed must relate to the adverse impacts with respect to section 11-3-4A standards identified during the consideration of section 11-3-4B factors and may include, but are not limited to, requirements for:
      1.   Special setbacks and buffers;
      2.   Installation of special fences, solid fences, walls, and landscaping;
      3.   Improvements to parking areas;
      4.   Improvements to streets and points of vehicular ingress and egress;
      5.   Restrictions on signs;
      6.   Restrictions on lighting;
      7.   Restrictions on noise, vibrations, and odors;
      8.   Restrictions on hours of operation;
      9.   Time period within which the proposed use must be developed and commenced;
      10.   Limiting the conditional use to a certain size and location on the property; or
      11.   Any other conditions necessary to mitigate the identified adverse impacts.
   C.   Conditional approval must specify:
      1.   The conditions to be completed;
      2.   The time frame within which the conditions must be completed;
      3.   Whether the conditions are one-time or ongoing; and
      4.   Whether the conditions can be deferred for a reasonable time pursuant to an agreement between the applicant and the city.
   D.   If the conditions are not completed within the time frame specified, the conditional use permit is deemed denied unless an extension is granted by the city commission by a resolution. (Ord. 3279, 1-13-2020)