Traffic Control Schedules
305.01   Stop streets designated.
305.02   Four-way stop streets designated.
305.03   Left turn prohibited.
305.04   Parking restricted.
See sectional history for similar State law
Power to designate highway as included in a freeway, expressway or thruway - see Ohio R.C. 4511.011
Uniform system of traffic control devices - see Ohio R.C. 4511.09, 4511.11(D)
Placing and maintaining local traffic control devices - see Ohio R.C. 4511.10, 4511.11
Alteration of prima-facie speed limits - see Ohio R.C. 4511.21, 4511.22(A), 4511.23
Power to erect stop signs at grade crossings - see Ohio R.C. 4511.61
Designation of through streets and erection of stop or yield signs - see Ohio R.C. 4511.65; TRAF. 313.02
Traffic control devices defined - see TRAF. 301.46