The Director of Safety shall be the head of the Department of Safety.
   The Mayor in addition to his other duties, shall be, and shall perform the duties of, the Director of Safety, until such time as Council may determine that it is in the best interest of the Municipality to appoint some other persons to that office. Upon making such determination the Council shall declare the office of Director of Safety vacant, and the Director of Safety shall then be appointed by the Mayor.
   The Director of Safety shall be the head of the Police, Fire, and other Divisions of the Department of Safety and shall be responsible for the enforcement of all police, fire, health, safety, and sanitary regulations that may be prescribed by resolutions and ordinances of the Municipality, or laws of Ohio. The Director of Safety shall promulgate written rules for the government and conduct of the Police, Fire and other Divisions within the Department of Safety.
   The Department of Safety shall include a Division of Police, Division of Fire, and Division of Building and Zoning Inspection. Each division shall be headed by a Chief. The Division of Fire may include volunteer and full time fire personnel, and the Division of Police may include an auxiliary police unit.