Electricity Activity Enterprise
54.01 Declaration and creation
54.02 Governing board
54.03 Powers
54.04 Assets
54.05 Enterprise Fund
54.06 Ratification and approval of prior actions
Conditions and Regulations
54.20 Charge for residential and commercial users
54.21 Rules and regulations generally
54.22 Rules, schedule and regulations; filing
54.23 Bills payable where
54.24 Discount period; failure to receive bill not entitlement
54.25 Non-payment of bill; disconnection and costs
54.26 Electrical wiring of consumer
54.27 Notice of discontinuance
54.28 Metering
54.29 Bill dispute and resolution
54.30 Access to meters
54.31 Non-liability; specific cases
54.32 Reservation of certain rights
54.33 Consumers; complaints; right of review before discontinuance
54.34 Cash meter deposits
54.35 Disconnection charges