Any person seeking the vacation of any street or alley, or any portion of any street or alley, within the city shall file with his petition and application for vacation a plat designating and showing that portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated. Said plat shall be duly certified to by a licensed engineer. In the event that the said street or alley is vacated by order of the city council, the applicant, upon the passage of an ordinance vacating any street or alley, or any portion of any street or alley, shall file said plat showing the streets or alleys, or portions of such streets or alleys, vacated with the county recorder of Kootenai County; and said ordinance shall not become effective until a certificate of the county recorder of Kootenai County, has been filed with the city clerk showing that the plat therein mentioned has been duly recorded in his office. (1983 Code § 12.08.050)