A. Required; Term And Fees: It is unlawful for any person to own, harbor or keep in his possession or under his control any dog of either sex without having first paid an annual license fee provided in subsection B of this section therefor to the city, which said license fee shall authorize the keeping of said dog, but only one dog per person maximum, for only one year from the date thereof, and all licenses issued under and by virtue of this article shall date from the first Monday in January of each year and expire on December 31 of the same year. (Ord. 334, 3-7-1995)
B. License Fees: Every person owning, harboring, keeping or having in his possession or under his control any dog, shall immediately upon becoming the owner, harborer or keeper, pay to the city treasurer the license fee as follows:
An unspayed female dog | $5.00 |
A male dog or spayed female dog | 3.00 |
On the first Monday in January of each year, the owner shall also provide, at the time of licensing, proof that the dog's rabies shots are current. All persons becoming the owner of or harboring a dog on or after the first Monday in January of each year must take out a license for the animal within ten (10) days after becoming the owner, harborer or keeper of the animal. (Ord. 352, 2-3-1998)
C. Contents; Issuance: It shall be the duty of the city clerk, upon the payment of said license fee, to issue to the person paying the same a receipt, which receipt shall specify the date thereof, the amount paid, a description of the dog for which said license is issued sufficient for identification, the name of said dog, together with the name of the person obtaining said license, and the sex of the dog. At the time of issuing the receipt, the city clerk shall furnish and deliver to such party a license in the shape of a metal tag, bearing the words "Harrison Dog Tax," and the year for which the same is issued stamped thereon. (1983 Code § 6.04.030)
D. Tag Required To Be Worn: The person to whom said license is issued shall cause said tag to be attached to a collar to be worn by the dog for which said license fee was paid, during the time which said dog is allowed to run; and it is unlawful for any dog of either sex to run at large within the city limits unless the metal tag so issued is attached to its collar. (1983 Code § 6.04.040)
E. Records Kept: It shall be the duty of the city clerk to keep a register of each license issued, which shall contain a description of the dog covered by said license, sufficient for identification, and shall state the sex of the dog, its name and the name of the person obtaining said license, together with the date and expiration of the license. (1983 Code § 6.04.050)
F. Compliance Required: Any person owning, harboring, keeping or having in his possession or under his control any dog of either sex without having paid upon said dog the license fee for the current year as provided in the subsection B of this section, or without having said metal tag for the current year attached to the collar worn by said dog, and without having complied with all the other provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, in addition to the penalty prescribed, shall be compelled to pay the license on said dog for the current year. (1983 Code § 6.04.060)
A. Prohibited: Any person who wilfully or negligently permits any dog owned, possessed or harbored by him to be or run at large within the limits of the city, or who wilfully and negligently fails and refuses to keep such dog securely confined within the limits of his own premises, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (1983 Code § 6.04.070)
B. Destruction Of Dog; Exception: It shall be the duty of the mayor to kill, or cause to be killed, all dogs of either sex found running at large which cannot, by reasonable means, be impounded and dealt with pursuant to section 4-1A-4 of this article; but nothing herein contained shall authorize the killing of any dog owned or kept by any person residing outside of the city when such person shall have brought such dog into the city the intention of moving him therefrom forthwith. (1983 Code § 6.04.080)
C. Vicious Dogs Prohibited: Any person being the owner or keeper of any vicious dog who shall permit the same to run at large within the limits of the city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (1983 Code § 6.04.090)
D. Dogs In Heat: It shall be unlawful for any owner or keeper of any female dog to knowingly permit it to run at large while in heat, notwithstanding such person may have a license for such dog as provided in this article. (1983 Code § 6.04.100)