A.   Areas Where Parking Restricted:
      1.   Vehicles On Property Under Control Of The City: It shall be unlawful for any person to park, place, keep or leave any motor vehicle, piece of machinery, trailer or equipment on a public street, alley, municipal parking lot or other public property for any period of time in violation of parking rules and regulations set by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 450, 12-4-2012)
      2.   Trailers Or Boats On Streets: It shall be unlawful for any person to park, place, keep or leave any trailer, boat or nonmotorized vehicle on a public street, alley or other public property unless attached to a motor vehicle capable of towing said trailer, boat or nonmotorized vehicle.
      3.   Vehicles On Street Without Current License: It shall be unlawful for any person to place, keep or leave any motor vehicle, piece of machinery, trailer or equipment on a public street, alley or other public property that does not display current, lawful license and tags.
      4.   Wrecked Or Partially Dismantled Vehicles: It shall be unlawful to keep or leave any motor vehicle, piece of machinery, trailer or equipment that is in an inoperable condition or in a wrecked or partially dismantled condition or in a state of repair for a period of forty eight (48) hours or more on a public street, alley or other public property.
      5.   Vehicles On Private Property: It shall be unlawful for any person to place, keep or leave any motor vehicle, piece of machinery, trailer or equipment in a wrecked or partially dismantled condition or in a state of disrepair for a period of more than ten (10) days on private property unless enclosed in a building or other area screened from public view and fenced in a manner to prevent children from entering the property. Any such fence and screening shall be constructed in compliance with the current provisions of the international building code. Such vehicle, machinery, trailer or equipment is hereby declared to be a public nuisance unless properly fenced or enclosed.
      6.   Vehicles Or Equipment Causing Environmental Concerns: It shall be unlawful for any person to place, keep or leave any motor vehicle, piece of equipment or machinery in a fashion which permits same to leak or discharge oil or gasoline onto the ground or pavement or which discharges freon into the air. Similarly, it shall be unlawful for any person to dump, discharge or in any manner dispose of oil, gasoline or hazardous chemical waste on any public street, alley, other public property and private property not zoned for such use.
      7.   Unauthorized Vehicles In Designated Disabled Spaces: It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be parked in a designated disabled parking space without bearing license plates, signs or shields identifying the owner of such vehicle as having a disability. The city council shall approve the location of such spaces by resolution. This provision shall be in compliance with Idaho Code 49-213.
      8.   Snow Emergency Routes: Whenever the mayor finds, on the basis of falling snow, sleet or freezing rain, that weather conditions will make it necessary that motor vehicle traffic be expedited and that parking on city streets be prohibited or restricted for snow plowing and other purposes, he shall put into effect a parking prohibition on primary snow emergency routes as necessary. "Primary snow emergency routes" are defined as those streets generally traversing the entire city or a major part thereof that are considered essential to the rapid movement of emergency vehicles and normally carry the heaviest traffic volumes.
      9.   Construction Or Street Sweeping: Whenever the mayor finds it necessary that parking on city streets be prohibited or restricted for the purposes of street or utility construction or repair or for street sweeping or cleaning, he shall put into effect, with twelve (12) hours prior posted notice, a parking prohibition on the affected streets.
   B.   Signs For Restricted Parking: The mayor and city council have authority to designate city staff to erect signage designating disabled parking spaces and any other restricted or limited parking as is deemed necessary. Application of this provision shall be in compliance with Idaho Code. (Ord. 374, 4-12-2001; amd. 2004 Code)