A. Building Permit Required: Any person or business wishing to erect a building or other structure, move, add to, or structurally alter any existing building or structure shall be referred to the building official to obtain the proper permit. (Ord. 341, 9-10-1996; amd. 2004 Code; Ord. 427, 6-2-2009)
B. Collection Of Fees, Charges And Expenses: The city shall continue to contract for the responsibility for the collection of fees, charges and expenses. (Ord. 341, 9-10-1996; amd. 2004 Code)
C. Certificate Of Occupancy: It shall be unlawful to use or occupy or permit the use or occupancy of any building or premises, or part thereof, until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the building official. A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the building official not to exceed six (6) months. (Ord. 341, 9-10-1996; amd. 2004 Code; Ord. 427, 6-2-2009)
D. Failure To Obtain Building Permit Or Certificate Of Occupancy: Failure to obtain a building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be a violation of this chapter, and shall constitute a misdemeanor. (Ord. 341, 9-10-1996; amd. 2004 Code)