A Agricultural District: The purpose of the agricultural district is to preserve and protect the decreasing supply of prime agricultural land (including land used for timber production). This district is also established to control the random spread of urban type development into agricultural areas which will adversely affect agricultural operators.
   R-1 And R-2 Low Density Residential Districts: The purpose of the R-1 and R-2 districts is to permit the establishment of low density single-family dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling unit per acre in the R-1 district and two (2) dwelling units per acre in the R-2 district.
   R-4 Medium-Low Density Residential District: The purpose of the R-4 district is to permit the establishment of medium-low density single- and two-family dwellings not to exceed four (4) dwelling units per net acre.
   R-8 Medium Density Residential District: The purpose of the R-8 district is to permit the establishment of medium density single- and two-family dwellings not to exceed eight (8) dwelling units per acre. City water and sewer facilities are required.
   R-20 Medium-High Density Multi-Family Residential District: The purpose of the R-20 district is to permit the establishment of medium-high density multi-family dwellings not to exceed twenty (20) dwelling units per acre. The predominant housing type will be townhouses or apartments. City water and sewer services are required.
   C-1 Neighborhood Business District: The purpose of the C-1 district is to permit the establishment of certain enumerated low impact business uses which tend to meet the daily needs of the residents.
   CB Central Business District: The purpose of the CB district is to accommodate existing, and encourage future, commercial development in the historical core business area of the community. A variety of business, public, quasi-public, cultural and other uses are encouraged in order to provide the mix of activities that are necessary to protect the economic health of the community.
   LM Light Manufacturing District: The purpose of the LM district is to encourage the development of manufacturing establishments which are clean, quiet and free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, odor, dust, smoke or glare that is operated entirely within enclosed structures and generate little industrial traffic. (Ord. 429, 12-16-2008)
   HM Heavy Manufacturing District: The purpose of the HM district is to accommodate existing and encourage future industrial and manufacturing uses which are generally major operations and extensive in character. These operations require large sites, open storage, extensive service and facilities, ready access to regional transportation and normally generate some nuisances such as smoke, noise, vibration, dust, glare, light pollution, air pollution and water pollution, but not beyond the district boundary. All performance standards and supplementary regulations as defined in chapter 4 of this title are applicable to the HM zoning ordinance. No land or building shall be used in this district unless all negative impacts are mitigated. (Ord. 426, 10-7-2008)
   FP Floodplain Overlay District 1 : The purpose of the FP district is to guide future development in the flood prone areas of any watercourse, and to minimize the expense and inconveniences to the individual property owners and the general public which result from flooding. Uses to be encouraged in this district are generally associated with open space and public recreational use. This district is superimposed over other districts.
   SD Shoreline District: The purpose of the SD district is to provide access to Lake Coeur d'Alene by the public for the purpose of recreation and to provide for those businesses and facilities that will meet the needs of and be compatible with recreational uses. Uses that would be permitted, subject to the granting of a special use permit pursuant to the provisions of this title, and subject to all other applicable federal, state, county and local regulations, include public parks, docks (public and private), marinas, residential, commercial and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses, including accessory buildings when located on the same lot. All uses proposed in this district shall be subject to chapter 4, "Performance Standards And Supplementary Regulations", of this title.
   MU Mixed Use District: To provide for a variety and mixture of uses such as limited office, limited commercial, and residential. This district is intended to ensure compatibility of new development with existing and future development. It is also intended to ensure assemblage of properties in a unified plan with coordinated and harmonious development which shall promote outstanding design without unsightly and unsafe strip commercial development. Uses should complement the uses allowed within the CB district. (Ord. 429, 12-16-2008)



1. See Chapter 8 of this title.