As used in this chapter:
CAPITAL EQUIPMENT: Equipment with an expected use life of three (3) years or more.
CITY: The city of Harrison.
CONNECTION TO THE WATER AND/OR SEWER SYSTEM: The physical connection of a building, structure or land use to the city's water and/or sewer lines, no matter if such connection is made through or by intermediate lines.
DEVELOPMENT ORDER: A regulatory approval by the city.
ERU (EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT): A fee based on the comparable number of residential units used based on demand on the system. An ERU for water service is equal to average water use of one hundred seventy five (175) gallons per day.
ENGINEER: The city engineer.
FEE PAYER: A person applying for connection to the city's water and/or sewer system. Water and sewer facilities are city owned facilities. (Ord. 378, 8-6-2002)