A. Unauthorized Turn On: After the water has been turned off at the curb cock, it shall not be turned on by any person except an employee of the water department; and if so turned on at the curb cock by any person other than an employee of the water department, the mayor shall have the water turned off at the main and shall have charged against the property and the property owner a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) which must be paid before the water shall again be turned on, and in addition thereto, the party turning on said water in violation of the provisions of this subsection may be punished for the violation thereof as provided in the general penalty in section 1-3-1 of this code. (1983 Code § 14.40.010)
B. Contract Required: No person shall knowingly take or use or allow to be used water without having previously contracted for the same. (1983 Code § 14.40.020)
C. Water Waste: It is unlawful for any owner, agent or tenant, or other person to maintain, suffer or permit to remain in a leaky or defective condition any water pipe, hydrant, service or water connection of any sort whereby city water may be wasted; or cause the same to be maintained, suffered or permitted to remain in a leaky or defective condition for more than twenty four (24) hours after knowledge or discovery of the same; and it is unlawful for any person to waste or cause to be wasted in any way whatsoever any water from the water supply works of the city. If undue waste is permitted, or water is bypassed to other consumers, or in cases of deception, misrepresentation or abuse of the privilege of connection with the water system, the supply of water shall be turned off without notice, and a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) shall be paid to the water department before the water is turned on, and in addition thereto the offending person may be punished as provided in the general penalty in section 1-3-1 of this code. (1983 Code § 14.40.040)
D. Unauthorized Use: It is unlawful for any person to open, close, turn or interfere with, or to attach to or connect with, any fire hydrant, curb cock or valves, without permission from the water department, or to disturb or damage any pipe, machinery, tools, or other property of the water department, or to throw any substance into the reservoir or water main, or to bathe in any reservoir, or to deface or injure any buildings belonging to or connected with said water system. (1983 Code § 14.40.050)
E. Injure Or Defraud: It is unlawful to do any of the following acts with intent to injure or defraud:
1. Obstruct, alter, injure or prevent the action of any meter or other instrument used to measure or register the quantity of water supplied to a consumer thereof;
2. Make any connection by means of a pipe, or otherwise, with any main or pipe used for delivery of water to a consumer thereof in such a manner as to take water from said main or pipe without its passage through the meter or other instrument provided for registering the amount or quantity consumed, or use any water so obtained;
3. Make any connection or reconnection with such main or pipe, or turn off or on, or in any manner interfere with, any valve, stopcock or other appliance connected therewith; or
4. Prevent by the erection of any device or construction, or by any other means, free access to any meter or other instrument for registering or measuring the amount of water consumed, or interfere with, obstruct or prevent by any means, the reading or inspection of such meter or instrument by any of the employees of the water department. (1983 Code § 14.40.060)
F. Restricted Use Of Washers And Sprinklers: No person shall use or permit to be used any washer or lawn or garden sprinkler except upon his own premises for which he has made application and is paying rent. (1983 Code § 14.40.070; amd. 2004 Code)
G. Maximum Hose Size Permitted: No hose larger than three-fourths inch (3/4") in diameter shall be used from any service pipe without special permission from the water department, except in case of fire protection. (1983 Code § 14.40.080)
H. Use Of Water During Fire: No person shall draw any water from the city main during a fire except for the extinguishment of a fire. (1983 Code § 14.40.090)
I. Water Pollution: No person shall cast, throw or place in any water reservoir, supply pipe, water main, headworks or other part of the waterworks or supply system of the city, any dirt, refuse, filth, wood, sticks, stones or other substances or matter, or shall in any manner pollute the water in any service supply pipe, headworks or any other part of said waterworks system. (1983 Code § 14.40.100)
J. Connection Within Floodplain: Connection to the city water system is prohibited for any properties located within the 100-year floodplain, or within designated wetlands, unless a 404 permit has been issued by the U.S. army corps of engineers. (Ord. 363, 2-1-2000; amd. 2004 Code)