Adoption of Regulatory Codes by Reference
151.001 Enactment clause
151.002 Scope of chapter and codes
151.003 Building Code adopted
151.004 Plumbing Code adopted
151.005 Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Ventilation Code adopted
151.006 Electrical Code adopted
151.007 Residential Building Code adopted
151.008 Mobile Home Regulations adopted
151.009 Amendments to codes
151.010 Compliance with codes
151.011 Copies of codes with Director of Inspections
151.012 Enforcement of a Housing Code
Inspections Department
151.025 Organization of the Department
151.026 Legal requirement
151.027 General duties of Department and Inspectors
151.028 Conflicts of interest
151.029 Reports and records
151.030 Inspections procedure
151.031 Certificate of occupancy
151.032 Oversight not to legalize violation
151.033 Powers of inspection officials
151.045 Registration of contractors
151.046 License required
151.047 Bond required of contractors
151.048 Permits required
151.049 Application for permit
151.050 Plans and specifications
151.051 Limitations on issuance of permits
151.052 Issuance of permits
151.053 Revocation of permits
151.054 Time limitations on validity of permits
151.055 Changes in work
151.056 Permit fees
Condemnation, Repair, and Demolition of Unsafe Buildings
151.070 Periodic inspection
151.071 Defects in buildings to be corrected
151.072 Unsafe buildings condemned
151.073 Removing notice from condemned building
151.074 Action in event of failure to take corrective action
151.075 Order to take corrective action
151.076 Appeal; finality of order if not appealed
151.999 Penalty