The North Carolina Heating-Air Conditioning Code has been adopted by North Carolina and enforced by the county in accordance with such regulations. This Code is also applicable to one and two family residences of the county.
(Ord. passed - -)
Amendments to the regulatory codes adopted by reference herein, which are from time to time adopted and published by the agencies or organizations referred to herein, shall be effective in the county at the time the amendments are approved and filed with the county Building Inspector as provided in § 151.011.
(Ord. passed - -)
(A) All buildings or structures which are hereafter constructed, reconstructed, erected, altered, extended, enlarged, repaired, demolished, or moved shall conform to the requirements, minimum standards, and other provisions of either the North Carolina State Building Code, Volume I or the North Carolina Uniform Residential Building Code, whichever is applicable, or of both if both are applicable.
(B) Every building or structure intended for human habitation, occupancy, or use shall have plumbing, plumbing systems, or plumbing fixtures installed, constructed, altered, extended, repaired, or reconstructed in accordance with the minimum standards, requirements, and other provisions of the North Carolina Plumbing Code (North Carolina State Building Code, Volume II, Plumbing).
(C) All mechanical systems consisting of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, fuel burning equipment, and appurtenances shall be installed, erected, altered, repaired, used, and maintained in accordance with the minimum standards, requirements, and other provisions of the North Carolina Heating-Air Conditioning-Refrigeration-Ventilation Code (North Carolina State Building Code, Volume III, Heating-Air Conditioning, and the like).
(D) All electrical wiring, installations, and appurtenances shall be erected, altered, repaired, used, and maintained in accordance with the minimum standards requirements, and other provisions of the National Electrical Code (North Carolina State Building Code, Volume IV, Electrical).
(Ord. passed - -)