Every person required to register at the office of the Inspections Department under § 151.046 shall give a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $1,000 to be approved by the County Attorney and the attorney representing any city or town participating in this chapter conditioned upon faithful performance of duty in doing any work which he or she may have contracted to do, and to indemnify the county against loss in any manner whatsoever for any unskillful or negligent work or conduct in the performance of the duties imposed by the provisions of this chapter or any regulatory code herein adopted, or any damage to any utility lines, streets, or sidewalks, in the county or in any city or town participating in this chapter, or for the defective or improper material in the work, or for any damage which may accrue to any person by reason of any default of the contractor for the payment of an inspection or other fees required by this chapter.
(Ord. passed - -)
(A) Building permit. No person shall commence or proceed with the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal, or demolition of any building or other structure, or any part thereof, without a written permit therefor from the Building Inspector; provided, however, that no building permit shall be required for work the total cost of which does not exceed $1,000 and which does not involve any change of the structural parts of the stairways, elevators, fire escapes, or other means of egress of the building or the structure in question. In cases where additional sewage will be created and the building will not be connected to a public sewage system, no permit will be issued until the owner receives a certificate of approval of his or her proposed method of sewage disposal from the county’s Health Department.
(B) Plumbing permit.
(1) No person shall commence or proceed with the installation or extension of any plumbing system without a written permit therefor from the Plumbing Inspector; provided, however, no permit shall be required for minor repairs or replacement on the house side of a trap to an installed system of the plumbing if the repairs or replacements do not disrupt the original water supply or the waste or ventilation systems.
(2) In cases where the building will not be connected to a public sewage system, no permit will be issued until the owner receives a certificate of approval of his or her proposed method of sewage disposal from the county’s Health Department.
(C) Heating-air conditioning permit. No person shall commence or proceed with the installation, extension, or alteration of any heating or cooling equipment systems without a written permit from the Heating-Air Conditioning Inspector.
(D) Electrical permit. No person shall commence or proceed with the installation, extension, or alteration of any electrical wiring without a written permit therefor from the Electrical Inspector, provided, however, no permit shall be required for the electrical wiring of devices, appliances, and equipment installed by or for an electrical public utility corporation for the use of the corporation in the generation, transmission, distribution, or metering of electrical energy, or for the use of the corporation in the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence.
(Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 151.999
Written application shall be made for all permits required by this chapter, and shall be made on forms provided by the Inspections Department. The application shall be made by the owner of the building or structure affected or by his or her authorized agent or representative and must be submitted in accordance with the county ordinance which establishes fees and permits requirements.
(Ord. passed - -)
(A) Detailed plans and specifications shall accompany each application for permit when the estimated total cost of the building or structure is in excess of $330,000 and for any other building or structure where plans and specifications are deemed necessary by the appropriate Inspector in order for him or her to determine whether the proposed work complies with the appropriate regulatory codes. Plans shall be drawn to scale with sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed, and the plans and specifications together shall contain information sufficient to indicate that the work proposed will conform to the provisions of this chapter and the appropriate regulatory codes.
(B) Where plans and specifications are required, a copy of the same shall be kept at the work site until all authorized operations have been completed and approved by the appropriate Inspector.
(Ord. passed - -)
(A) No permit shall be issued for any building or structure that would be in violation of any state general statute applicable to the county, this chapter, or other regulatory code herein adopted.
(B) No permit shall be issued unless the required plans and specification are identified by the name and address of the author thereof.
(C) If the state general statutes require that plans for certain type of work be prepared only by a registered architect or registered engineer, then no permit may be issued unless the plans and specifications bear the state seal of a registered architect or registered engineer. If a provision of the state general statutes or of any ordinance requires that the work be done by a licensed specialty contractor of any kind, no permit for the work may be issued unless the work is to be performed by a duly licensed contractor.
(Ord. passed - -)
When proper application for a permit has been made, and the appropriate Inspector is satisfied that the application and the proposed work comply with the provisions of this chapter and the appropriate regulatory codes, he or she shall issue the permits, upon payment of the proper fee(s).
(Ord. passed - -)
The appropriate Inspector may revoke and require the return of any permit by notifying the permit holder in writing stating the reason for the revocation. Permits shall be revoked for: any material departure from the approval application, plans, or specifications; refusal or failure to comply with proper orders of the Inspectors; refusal or failure to comply with requirements of this chapter and any applicable state or local laws; and/or for false statements or misrepresentations made in securing the permit.
(Ord. passed - -)
All permits issued under this chapter shall expire by limitation six months after the date of issuance if the work authorized by the permit has not commenced. If, after commencement, the work is discontinued for a period of 12 months, the permit therefor shall immediately expire. No work authorized by any permit which has expired shall thereafter be performed until a new permit therefor has been secured.
(Ord. passed - -)
After a permit has been issued, no change or deviations from the terms of the application, plans, and specifications, or the permit, except where the changes or deviations are clearly permissible under the state’s Building Code, shall be made until specific written approval of the changes or deviations has been obtained from the appropriate Inspector.
(Ord. passed - -)