§ 18-713.   Fees.
It is the purpose of this Section to provide for the recovery of costs from users of the City’s POTW and Township’s collection system for the implementation of the industrial pretreatment program established herein. The applicable charges or fees are set forth below:
      A.   Service Charges and Fees. The charges and fees include:
      (1)   Fees for monitoring, inspections and surveillance procedures completed by the City or the City’s contract laboratory to be billed at 1.15 times the actual cost.
      (2)   Fees for IWD Permit applications - $250.
      (3)   Fees for filing appeals - $200.
      B.   Program Fee. The City reserves the right to develop and institute a program fee to recover operating costs associated with implementation of the industrial pretreatment program which are separate from or in lieu of those costs identified in § 18-713(A) or (C) of this Part 7(B). The Program Fee will be chargeable to all users included in the industrial pretreatment program and will be billed and updated at a frequency determined by the City.
The above fees relate solely to the matters covered by this Part 7(B) and are separate from all other fees chargeable by the Township
      C.   Industrial Waste Surcharge. When approval is granted by the City and Township to a user to discharge industrial waste into the POTW and collection system, the user’s sewer rental will be based on the prevailing rate for normal domestic sewage plus a quarterly surcharge based on the relative strength of said industrial waste contribution and calculated as follows:
Surcharge = 0.00834 x Flow x {((BOD5 - 300) x BOD5 Cost) + (TSS - 350) x TSS Cost) + (NI-13-N - 50) x NH3-N Cost)}
Surcharge = Surcharge calculated quarterly;
   0.00834 = constant to convert industrial waste strength from mg/l to thousand pounds;
Flow = total quarterly discharge flow of the industrial waste in million gallons;
   BOD5 = biochemical oxygen demand (5-day) of the industrial waste in mg/l;
   300 = value expressing the BOD5 of normal domestic sewage in mg/l;
   BOD5 Cost = annual City treatment cost per thousand pounds of BOD5;
   TSS = total suspended solids of the industrial waste in mg/l;
   350 = value expressing the TSS of normal domestic sewage in mg/l;
   TSS Cost = annual City treatment cost per thousand pounds of TSS;
   NH3-N = ammonia-nitrogen of the industrial waste in mg/l;
   50 = value expressing the NH3-N of normal domestic sewage in mg/l;
   NH3-N Cost = annual City treatment cost per thousand pounds of NH3-N;
The City reserves the right to substitute the following formula for the surcharge in the event that BOD5 is not the normal measure of the strength of the industrial waste:
Surcharge = 0.00834 x Flow x {((COD - 600) x COD Cost) + ((TSS - 350) x TSS Cost) + ((NH3-N - 50) x NH3-N Cost)}
Surcharge = Surcharge calculated quarterly;
   0.00834 = constant to convert industrial waste strength from mg/l to thousand pounds;
Flow = total quarterly discharge flow of the industrial waste in million gallons;
   COD = chemical oxygen demand of the industrial waste in mg/l;
   600 = value expressing the COD of normal domestic sewage in mg/l;
   COD Cost = annual City treatment cost per thousand pounds of COD;
   TSS = total suspended solids of the industrial waste in mg/l;
   350 = value expressing the TSS of normal domestic sewage in mg/l;
   TSS Cost = annual City treatment cost per thousand pounds of TSS;
   NH3-N = ammonia-nitrogen of the industrial waste in mg/l;
   50 = value expressing the NH3-N of normal domestic sewage in mg/l;
   NH3-N Cost = annual City treatment cost per thousand pounds of NH3-N;
When actual industrial waste values of BOD5 and/or COD and/or TSS and/or NH3-N are less than the normal domestic sewage values, then the normal domestic sewage values of 300, 600, 350 and/or 50 mg/l, respec tively, shall be used in the calculation of the Surcharge in place of the actual industrial waste values.
The annual City treatment costs per thousand pounds of BOD5, COD, TSS and NH3-N shall be determined at the beginning of each calendar year, based upon the City Sewer Fund’s actual operating costs from the previous year.
In no instance shall the sewer rental for industrial waste be less than the prevailing rate for normal domestic sewage.
In order to ascertain the strength of an industrial waste requiring a Surcharge, the City shall cause appropriate analysis (BOD5, COD, TSS and NH3-N) to be made quarterly, the average of which shall be used to establish the Surcharge for the ensuing quarter. A more extensive analysis may be required under § 18-714 of this Part 7(B). All sampling and analysis shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of this Part 7(B). All expenses for these analyses shall be borne by the user.
The City reserves the right to recalculate and adjust the surcharge of any user at any time during the year due to the introduction of new wastewater constituents or any substantial increase in the strength of the wastewater. A substantial increase shall mean 15% or greater.
(Ord. 495, 6/17/2009)