§ 404. Parking of All Trucks, Truck Tractors and Trailers Prohibited at All Times in Certain Locations.
   1.   Trucks, truck tractors and motor homes with a registered gross weight in excess of eleven thousand (11,000) pounds and/or registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles as a Class 5 or above vehicle shall be prohibited from on-street parking at all times in the locations set forth in § (5).
   2.   Trailers with a registered gross weight in excess of eleven thousand (11,000) pounds shall be prohibited from on-street parking at all times in the locations set forth in § 404(5).
   3.   Any truck and trailer, truck tractor and trailer or motor home and trailer with a combined registered gross weight in excess of eleven thousand (11,000) pounds shall be prohibited from on-street parking at all times in the locations set forth in § 404(5).
   4.   Truck tractors shall be prohibited from on-street parking at all times in the Township.
5.   Street
   Barness Drive
Entire Length
   Cedar Hill Drive
Entire Length
   Clarence Avenue
Entire Length
   Diane Boulevard
Entire Length
   Grove Road
Entire Length
   Hoover Avenue
Entire Length
   Irma Drive
Entire Length
   Ronca Boulevard
Entire Length
   Sherwood Street
Entire Length
   Tacoma Street
Entire Length
   Taft Street
Entire Length
   Troxell Street
Entire Length
   Ulster Road [Ord. 570]
Entire Length
   6.   Any truck with a registered gross weight in excess of 11,000 pounds and any truck and trailer or tractor and trailer shall be prohibited at all times from parking in any private parking lot which is open to the public for use by patrons, guests or other invitees of offices or establishments adjacent to or in the vicinity of the parking lot. This prohibition shall be enforceable only if each entrance to such parking lot is prominently posted with a notice substan tially in the following form: “Parking of any truck and trailer or tractor and trailer in this parking lot is prohibited by Township ordinance.” Such restriction shall not be applicable to any vehicles parked in the process of making deliveries to facilities served by the parking lot. [Ord. 485]
(Ord. 262, 4/17/1991, § 2; as amended by Ord. 312, 9/21/1994; by Ord. 485, 2/20/2008; by Ord. 570, 12/3/2014, §4; by Ord. 581, 7/6/2016, §§ 1, 2; and by Ord. 648, 12/20/2023, § 5)