(A)   Any junk yard or lot hereafter kept and maintained within the city shall be required to erect a fence 8 feet or more in height around the junk yard or lot. The Building Commissioner may approve a fence lower than 8 feet in height if, in his or her opinion, the character of the neighborhood or the movement of traffic will be benefited.
   (B)   No junk cars, wrecked cars, used cars for sale, or used cars not for sale, but not including operating automobiles belonging to the public, shall be permitted outside of the fence. No articles or material shall be piled higher than the fence within a radius of 20 feet of the fence.
   (C)   The Board of Public Works and Safety is hereby empowered to make reasonable regulations in the case of each individual junk yard, as may to the Board seem adequate to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 118.06) (Ord. 3314, passed 1-23-1961) Penalty, see § 10.99