(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to exercise, carry on or engage in the business of buying or collecting in the city with a vehicle or on foot or otherwise what is known as junk for the purchase, sale, barter, exchange or other dealings in old scrap, or in rags, old rope, paper, old iron, brass, copper, tin slush, lead, empty bottles and other junk, without first having obtained a license from the city for that purpose.
   (B)   Any person desiring a license to engage in the business of buying and collecting junk, as provided in this section, shall first make application in writing to the City Controller for a license. The applicant shall designate in his or her application his or her place of residence, giving the street and number and his or her office address. The Mayor shall grant a license to these persons as shall produce evidence of good character. The license fee for each junk peddler, as herein provided, shall be in the sum of $50, per annum. There is to be no deduction for parts of the year.
   (C)   All licensed scavengers shall not have a felony conviction for a crime of dishonesty (such as theft) and shall register their license plate number with the Police Department. Operating a non-registered vehicle may result in loss of city scavenger license.
(Prior Code, § 118.03) (Am. Ord. 8982, passed 3-9-2009) Penalty, see § 10.99