   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROVED PLANS. Plans approved by the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management according to a permit and plan review which will govern all improvements made within the City of Hammond that require stormwater facilities or changes or alterations to existing stormwater facilities.
   BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP). A technique, process, activity, or structure used to reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff, control peak runoff rates and/ or reduce the pollutant content of a stormwater discharge. BMPs include simple nonstructural methods, such as good housekeeping and preventive maintenance. BMPs may also include structural modifications, such as detention and retention facilities and infiltration and bioretention measures.
   BOARD. The Hammond Department of Storm Water Management established under § 34.152 of the City of Hammond Code.
   CODE. City of Hammond Municipal Code.
   COUNTY REGULATED DRAIN. Part of the stormwater conveyance system under the jurisdiction of the Lake County Drainage Board, including certain ditches, tiles, and sewers.
   DESIGN STORM. A rainfall event of specified size and return frequency that is used to calculate the runoff volume and peak discharge rate of a BMP.
   DETENTION. The temporary storage of stormwater runoff in a basin, pond or other structures to control the peak discharge rates by holding the stormwater for a period of time and controlling the outflow.
   DIRECTOR. A person appointed by the District Board of Directors to undertake the tasks and responsibilities set forth by this subchapter, who shall serve at the discretion of the District Board of Directors.
   DRAIN. Any separated storm sewer, tile, ditch, stream or other stormwater conveyance channel or conduit.
   EXEMPT DRAIN. Drains that are regulated by the Lake County Drainage Board.
   HDSWM. Hammond Department of Storm Water Management.
   IMPERVIOUS AREA. Real property that has been paved and/or covered with buildings and materials which include, but are not limited to, concrete, asphalt, rooftop, blacktop, and compacted gravel, such that the natural infiltration of water into the soil is prevented.
   INFILTRATION. A process of which stormwater percolates into the ground.
   LOT/PARCEL. A part or portion of land having a legal description that is formally set forth in a conveyance instrument.
   MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4). A conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains):
      (1)   Owned or operated by a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law);
      (2)   Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater;
      (3)   Which is not a combined sewer; and
      (4)   Which is not part of a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2.
   NPDES. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
   NPDES PERMIT. Permit required pursuant to Section 402 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.
   PEAK DISCHARGE. The maximum rate of flow of water passing a given point during or after a rainfall event.
   PROPERTY CLASS CODE. A three digit land use code number generated from the Lake County Assessors Office’s used to differentiate properties use and primary purpose. For purposes of the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management user fee, this PROPERTY CLASS CODE will determine each parcels monthly user fee.
   PUBLIC STORMWATER FACILITIES. The various stormwater and drainage works under the control and/or ownership of the city, county, state or federal government which may include inlets, conduits, pipes, pumping stations, manholes, structures, channels, outlets, retention or detention basins, other structural components and equipment designed to transport, move, hold or regulate stormwater.
   RETENTION. The holding of stormwater runoff in a constructed basin or pond or in a natural body of water without release except by means of evaporation, infiltration or emergency bypass.
   STORM SEWER. A sewer designed or intended to convey only stormwater, surface runoff, and drainage, and not intended for sanitary sewage and industrial wastes other than unpolluted cooling water. The portion of a sewer intended to carry stormwater only, which begins at the grating or opening where water enters the sewer, through the sewer and any other conduits to the outlet structure where water enters a channel, natural watercourse or combined sewer.
   STORMWATER AND STORMWATER RUNOFF. The water derived from rains falling within a tributary basin, flowing over the surface of the ground or collected in channels or conduits.
   STORMWATER SYSTEM. All constructed faculties, structures and natural watercourses under the ownership, and/or control of the city and/or the TMSWMD, used for collecting and conducting stormwater to, through and from drainage areas to the point of final outlet, including, but not limited to, any and all of the following: inlets, conduits and appurtenant features, creeks, channels, catch basins, ditches, streams, culverts, retention or detention basins and pumping stations; and excluding therefrom, any part of the system of drains and watercourses under the jurisdiction of the Lake County Drainage Board or under other ownership.
   STORMWATER UTILITY USER FEE. A charge imposed on users of the city’s public stormwater facilities and stormwater system.
   STORMWATER UTILITY CUSTOMER/USER. The owner of a lot or parcel of land located within the City of Hammond, except for state, county, municipal and public and private schools, churches and religious institutions and all other tax exempt entities which are exempted.
   SUBDIVISION GROUP. All of the parcels of land within a platted development except for state, county, municipal and public and private school parcels.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014)
   A stormwater utility user fee shall be imposed based on the Lake County Property Class Code for real property within the City of Hammond, Lake County, Indiana, according to the service address for each parcel or lot’s tax payer ID number, which charge shall be assessed against the owner thereof, who shall be considered the stormwater utility customer/user for the purposes of this article except parcels of land owned by state, county, municipal and public and private schools, churches and religious institutions and other tax exempt organizations shall be exempted.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014)
   The stormwater utility user fee is deemed reasonable and is necessary to fund National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) phase 2 compliance and regulations; stormwater management program administration; repair, replacement improvement, operation, regulation and maintenance of the existing and future City of Hammond stormwater system; Stormwater Management Department expenditures; future planning of the stormwater system; capital improvements within the City of Hammond stormwater system; implementation of MS4 regulations; administrative and salary costs for individuals who provide services to the stormwater management system and regulations of such system and/or for the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management. The City of Hammond will not fund stormwater system infrastructure improvements or enforcement of subdivision covenants that are the responsibility of the property owner(s), subdivider and or developer as identified in the City of Hammond municipal code, such as retention and detention basins. This rate shall be evaluated annually as to its sufficiency to satisfy the needs of the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014)
   (A)   For the purposes stated herein, there is hereby assessed a stormwater utility user fee to each stormwater utility customer/user within the corporate limits of the City of Hammond, Lake County, Indiana, in an amount as determined below. Properties within the City of Hammond, Lake County, Indiana, will be assigned the following monthly user fees:
Property Class Code
Monthly Fee
Property Class Code
Monthly Fee
100—199 Agricultural
20 acres or less = $3.00 per month
Greater than 20 acres = $.15 per acre per month
300 Industrial Vacant Land
20 acres or less = $3.00 per month
Greater than 20 acres = $.15 per acre per month
320—399 Industrial
$162.75 per month
400 Commercial Vacant Land
20 acres or less = $2.50 per month
Greater than 20 acres = $.125 per acre per month
401 Commercial Apartment 4-19 Units
$62.50 per month
402—499 All commercial including apartment buildings over 19 units
$90.00 per month
500—509 Residential Vacant Land
.25 acres or less = $.75 per month
.251 acres to 20 acres = $3.75 per month
Greater than 20 acres = $.188 per acre per month
510—545 Residential Single Family Duplex and Three Unit including excess acreage
$7.75 per month
550 Residential Condo
$7.75 per month
599 Other Residential Structure
$7.75 per month
600, 610, 620, 621, 622, 630, 640, 645, 660, 661, 662, 665, 669
State, county, municipal and other exempt properties are not charged
650, 670 Board of Education and Exempt Private Academy and Colleges
Not charged
680, 685, 686 Charitable, Religious and Churches
Not charged
690 Cemetery
6.66 acres or less = $3.00 per month
Greater than 6.66 acres = $.45 per acre per month
699 Other Exempt Properties
Not charged
805 Utility Vacant Land
.25 acres or less = $.60 per month
.251 acres to 20 acres = $3.00 per month
Greater than 20 acres = $.15 per acre per month
820 Heat and Power Utilities
$162.75 per month
821 State Assessed LHP
$112.50 per month
830—841 Railroad and Pipeline
20 acres or less = $3.00 per month
Greater than 20 acres - $.15 per acre per month
850—871 Sewage; Phone and Water Utilities
$162.75 per month
      Federal, state, city, and county roadways. Streets, roads and highways owned by federal, state, city and/or county authorities shall be exempt from the storm water utility user fee. They form an integral part of the storm water system. These primary elements of the drainage system yield community-wide benefits and are installed to service the general public’s interest.
   (B)   The Hammond Department of Storm Water Management will reevaluate the fee schedule if there is new property class codes added to the Assessments in Hammond. If new property class codes are added, an appropriate user fee will be set and charged.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014; Am. Ord. 9459-2019, passed 12-16-2019)
   (A)   Billings. All stormwater utility bills shall be rendered on the Lake County Treasurer’s Property Tax Bill and distributed as such.
   (B)   Terms of payment. The stormwater utility user fee shall be due on the same payment date as the Lake County Treasurer’s Tax Bill. It shall be a violation of this subchapter to fail to pay a stormwater utility user fee when due. All bills for stormwater user fees not paid on or before the due date, shall be subject to a collection or deferred payment charge as rendered by the Lake County Treasurer and shall be reflected on the Lake County Treasurer’s Tax Bill.
   (C)   Collection. Failure to pay a stormwater utility user fee included in the Lake County Treasurer’s Tax Bill may result in property and or land being made eligible for the Lake County Treasurer’s Tax Sale. Delinquent stormwater utility user fees may be collected in a civil action by the city or Lake County Treasurer, and the city or Lake County Treasurer shall be permitted to collect its reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014)
   Federal, state, city, and county roadways. Streets, roads and highways owned by federal, state, city and or county authorities shall be exempt from the stormwater utility user fee. They form an integral part of the stormwater system. These Primary elements of the drainage system yield community-wide benefits and are installed to service the general public’s interests.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014)
   If a stormwater utility customer/user determines that the user fee assigned to said user’s real property is incorrect due to an error in the properties classification code, said stormwater utility customer/user shall have the right to appeal.
   (A)   The stormwater utility customer/user shall complete a petition to appeal stormwater assessment form (“petition”), which shall be returned to the City of Hammond Department of Storm Water Management Director with documentation supporting the appeal.
   (B)   The director shall consider the grounds for the appeal and, upon review thereof, shall render a written determination to the board and the stormwater utility customer/user that either the original user fee determination should be affirmed or the stormwater utility user fee should be adjusted on the grounds in the petition. The director’s determination shall be made within 20 days of the filing of a petition to appeal.
   (C)   The determination shall be forwarded to the stormwater utility customer/user by certified mail, return receipt requested. The stormwater utility customer/user shall then have 30 days from the date of mailing of the determination to request reconsideration by the Board. Any additional facts concerning the appeal shall be submitted in writing to the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management, along with a copy of the original petition and supporting documents, to the Board. The Director shall submit a written report of the determination in the case, along with any documents used in ruling on the appeal.
   (D)   Thereafter, the Board shall review all documentation and, if requested in writing by the stormwater utility customer/user in its appeal petition, conduct a hearing to determine and resolve the appeal. Such hearing will be scheduled by the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management and the stormwater utility customer/user will be notified by certified mail of the date of such hearing, which notice shall be received by the stormwater utility customer/user at least 7 days prior to the date of such hearing. A written opinion shall be rendered within 45 days after the hearing or submission of documentation if no hearing is conducted. The written opinion of the Stormwater Management Board shall constitute the final City of Hammond determination. The hearing shall be electronically recorded and if requested by the stormwater utility customer/user, a transcript of the hearing shall be provided to the stormwater utility customer/user. The stormwater utility customer/user will be charged at a cost per page as determined by the Board, in accordance with applicable law as amended from time to time.
   (E)   A stormwater utility customer/user aggrieved by the final Board determination shall have the right to judicial review of such determination in accordance with applicable Indiana law. Any judicial review must be filed within 30 days of the Board’s determination.
   (F)   If the Director recommends the stormwater utility user fee assessment be reduced, or reduction is ordered by the Director, the board, or any court of competent jurisdiction, the stormwater utility customer/user shall be credited accordingly for any overpayment made from the date of the petition.
   (G)   Dispute or appeal of a user fee determination shall not be a valid reason for nonpayment of the originally assessed stormwater utility user fee by the stormwater utility customer/user. The board will refund to the user any overpayments made on user fee assessments that are reduced via the appeal process.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014)