The stormwater utility user fee is deemed reasonable and is necessary to fund National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) phase 2 compliance and regulations; stormwater management program administration; repair, replacement improvement, operation, regulation and maintenance of the existing and future City of Hammond stormwater system; Stormwater Management Department expenditures; future planning of the stormwater system; capital improvements within the City of Hammond stormwater system; implementation of MS4 regulations; administrative and salary costs for individuals who provide services to the stormwater management system and regulations of such system and/or for the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management. The City of Hammond will not fund stormwater system infrastructure improvements or enforcement of subdivision covenants that are the responsibility of the property owner(s), subdivider and or developer as identified in the City of Hammond municipal code, such as retention and detention basins. This rate shall be evaluated annually as to its sufficiency to satisfy the needs of the Hammond Department of Storm Water Management.
(Ord. 9262, passed 9-22-2014)