(A) The Town Council is the town legislative body.
(B) The Town Council consists of five members whose terms of office, except as may be otherwise directed by Ordinance No. 94-4 of the town, are four years, beginning at noon on January 1 after election and continuing until successors are elected and qualified.
(C) The Town Council shall provide by ordinance that its members are elected at-large by the voters of the whole town.
('88 Code, § 3-1-1) (Ord. 90-5, passed 7-2-90; Am. Ord. 94-4, passed - -94)
(D) The Town Council shall, by ordinance, fix the compensation of its own members. ('88 Code, § 3-1-11)
Statutory reference:
Compensation, see I.C. 36-5-3-2
Town Council, see I.C. 36-5-2-2
(A) There shall be four legislative districts as described below (and as shown on the map attached to Ord. 2012-8) in addition thereto there shall be one councilperson elected at large which results in a five member Town Council.
(B) Legislative District No. 1 shall be bounded as follows:
(1) That portion of Legislative District No. 1 North of the DeKalb - Steuben County line is bounded on the north by E. Bellefontaine Road/State Road 1, bounded on the west by State Road 427/South Wayne Street, bounded on the south by the DeKalb - Steuben County line and bounded on the east by the corporate limits of the town.
(2) That portion of Legislative District No. 1 south of the DeKalb - Steuben County line is bounded on the north by the DeKalb - Steuben County line, bounded on the west by the corporate limits of the town, bounded on the south by the corporate limits of the town, and bounded on the east and northeast by the corporate limits of the town/County Road 1.
(C) Legislative District No. 2 shall be bounded as follows:
(1) That portion of Legislative District No. 2 south of E. Bellefontaine Road is bounded on the north by E. Bellefontaine Road, bounded on the west by the corporate limits of the town, bounded on the south by the DeKalb - Steuben County line, and bounded on the east by State Road 427/South Wayne Street.
(2) That portion of Legislative District No. 2 north of E. Bellefontaine Road is composed of two areas bounded as follows:
(a) Beginning at the intersection of E. Bellefontaine Road and Lane 219, thence northeasterly upon Lane 219 to its intersection with Lane 221 A, thence northerly along Lane 221A and Lane 221 until its intersection with the western corporate boundaries/County Road 300 E, thence south along County Road 300 E to its intersection with E. Bellefontaine Road.
(b) Also, an area bounded on the south by E. Bellefontaine Road/State Road 1, bounded on the east by the corporate limits, bounded on the north by Fish Creek and bounded on the west by State Road 427/South Wayne Street.
(D) Legislative District No. 3 shall be bounded as follows: All that area within the town corporate limits generally located on the east side of Hamilton Lake north of Fish Creek, this area also includes what is commonly known as the Stonestreet Addition.
(E) Legislative District No. 4 shall be bounded as follows:
(1) All that area within the town corporate limits bounded on the east by that portion of State Road 427/South Wayne Street between the Fish Creek Trail Spillway and E. Bellefontaine Road, and bounded on the south by E. Bellefontaine Road, excepting therefrom the area described as follows:
(2) Beginning at the intersection of E. Bellefontaine Road and Lane 219, thence northeasterly upon Lane 219 to its intersection with Lane 221 A, thence northerly along Lane 221A and Lane 221 until its intersection with the western corporate boundaries/County Road 300 E, thence south along County Road 300 E to its intersection with E. Bellefontaine Road and from thence east on E. Bellefontaine Road to its intersection with 219, which exception is part of Legislative District No. 2.
(F) Each Council member, other than the member-at-large, shall reside in their respective district and the Council member-at-large shall reside within the corporate limits of the town.
(G) All five Town Council members shall be elected at-large by the voters of the whole town.
('88 Code, § 3-1-2) (Am. Ord. 90-6, passed 7-2-90; Am. Ord. 93-2, passed 3-1-93; Am. Ord. 2002-11, passed 10-7-02; Am. Ord. 2012-8, passed 12-21-12)
Statutory reference:
Districts, see I.C. 36-5-1-10.1, 36-5-2-4.1
(A) The Town Council shall select at its first annual meeting one of its members to be its President for a definite term which may not exceed his or her term of office.
(B) The President is the Town Executive.
('88 Code, § 3-1-3)
Statutory reference:
Selection of President, see I.C. 36-5-2-7
Town Executive, see I.C. 36-5-2-2
(A) A majority of all elected members of the Town Council constitutes a quorum.
(B) Passage of ordinances, orders or resolutions shall be governed by applicable state statutes.
('88 Code, § 3-1-4)
Statutory reference:
Quorum, see I.C. 36-5-2-9.2
Voting, see I.C. 36-5-1-9.4
The Council may:
(A) Adopt ordinances and resolutions for the performance of functions of the town;
(B) Purchase, hold, and convey any interest in property, for the use of the town;
(C) Adopt and use a common seal; and
(D) Exercise all powers that are needed for the effective operation of local governmental affairs.
('88 Code, § 3-1-5)
Statutory reference:
Powers of legislative body, see I.C. 36-5-2-9