(a)    All expenses incurred by the City pursuant to Section 1931.20 shall be paid by the owner or operator of such property, plus administrative costs in the amount of twenty-five (25%) percent of the total expenses incurred.
   (b)    The owner or operator shall receive due notice of the amount of such charge and, should he or she fail to pay such amount for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of such notice, such amount shall be certified to the Auditor of Butler County, Ohio, and the same shall be collected as are other taxes and shall be a lien against such property until paid.
   (c)    In order to so certify the non-payment of such charges, the City Manager shall make a written account to the Auditor of Butler County of actions taken under this section and a proper description of the property involved. Such amounts, when allowed, shall be entered upon the tax duplicate and be a lien upon the lots or land from and after the entry and be collected as other taxes and returned to the Municipal General Fund.
(Ord. 2022-4-26. Passed 4-13-22.)