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Household Sewage Treatment Systems
1776.01      Definitions.
1776.02     Purpose and scope.
1776.03    Fees, fee categories, fee transmittal and reporting.
1776.04      Cost methodology.
   1776.01 DEFINITIONS.
      As used in this chapter:
      (a)    ABANDONMENT. The proper discontinuing of a household sewage tank by emptying, collapsing, and filling to the ground surface with a suitable material.
     (b)    ADVANCED OR ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS AS A SPECIAL DEVICE- Septic systems other than conventional systems such as septic tanks to soil absorption fields approved by the Assistant Director of Community Development/Public Health Administrator under authority of 3701-29-20 (C) of the Ohio Administrative Code.
      (c)    ALTERATION. Any change by making substantive replacements of, additions to, or deletions in the design or materials or to change the location of an existing sewage treatment system.
      (d)    BOARD OF HEALTH. The Board of Health and Environment for the City of Hamilton Division of Public Health or its authorized representative.
      (e)    CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM. Refers to any network comprised of a septic tank and a soil absorption field from individual households to a centralized treatment using gravity (no electrical or mechanical devices)
   (f)    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. The Department of Health of the State of Ohio.
   (g)    DIRECTOR OF HEALTH. The Director of the Department of Health of the State of Ohio and includes any authorized representative of the Director.
   (h)    DOMESTIC SEPTAGE. The liquid or solid material removed from a sewage treatment system, septic tank, portable toilet, or type Ill marine sanitation device as defined in 33 C.F.R. 159.3. (as published in the July 1, 2005 Code of Federal Regulations). DOMESTIC SEPTAGE does not include grease removed from a grease trap.
    (i)    DRAINAGE SYSTEM. A drain or drains designed to effectively lower seasonally ponded or shallow subsurface water to establish or increase an unsaturated vertical separation distance uniformly beneath a soil absorption component.
   (j)    HOUSEHOLD SEWAGE PROGRAM. The Program that oversees septic system installations, system repairs, sewage complaints. and other areas pertaining to sewage treatment and disposal of household sewage.
   (k)    HOUSEHOLD SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM (HSTS). Any sewage treatment system, or part of such a system, that receives sewage from a single-family, two-family, or three-family dwelling and residential dwellings or appurtenances including but not limited to:
      (1)    A bed and breakfast, residential facility, or other residence as described in Ohio R.C. 3717.42(8)(2), (8)(4), and (8)(13).
      (2)    An ancillary restroom associated with a dwelling in a location such as a barn or personal garage that is not used as an additional dwelling, sleeping area, or business and the users of the ancillary restroom are the same users as the dwelling. An ancillary restroom shall not be available for public use.
      (3)    Vacation rental cabins provided there is a separate HSTS for each cabin.
      (4)    A dwelling with a home business having no access for the general public and does not generate additional sewage as part of its operation.
   (l)    INSPECTION. The on-site evaluation or analysis of the functioning of a sewage treatment system.
   (m)    INSTALLER. Any person who engages in the business of installing or altering or who, as an employee of another, installs or alters any sewage treatment system.
   (n)    INSTALLER'S TEST. The requirement of registered installers to complete proficiency testing established by the Hamilton City Division of Public Health.
   (o)    LOT. A legally recorded parcel of land.
   (p)    MONITORING. The activity of verifying performance requirements and may include, but is not limited to, sampling of effluent from a sewage treatment system component. For the purpose of this chapter, monitoring activities shall be conducted by either the Board of Health or a registered service provider.
   (q)    PERSON. Has the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 1.59 and also includes any state, any political subdivision of a state, and any department, division, board, commission, agency, or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision.
   (r)    REAL ESTATE INSPECTIONS. The inspection of private household sewage and water systems.
   (s)    REINSPECTION. Each return visit by an inspector.
   (t)    REGISTRATION. All companies or self-employed individuals not employed by a company, in the business of constructing, developing, installing, abandoning, servicing or altering all or any part of a private household sewage treatment system must annually register.
   (u)    REPLACEMENT. The installation of a new sewage treatment system to replace an existing system.
   (v)    SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM and SANITARY SEWERS. Pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, and all other constructions, devices, appurtenances, and facilities that convey sewage to a central sewage treatment plant and that are required to obtain a permit under Ohio R.C. Chapter 6111 .
      (w)    SEPTIC TANK REPLACEMENT. Replacement of a watertight receptacle that receives the discharge of untreated waste water.
      (x)    SEPTAGE HAULER. Any person who engages in the collection, transportation, disposal, and land application of domestic septage.
      (y)    SERVICE PROVIDER. Any person who services, but does not install or alter, a sewage treatment system.
      (z)    SEWAGE. Liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution that originates from humans and human activities. SEWAGE includes liquids containing household chemicals in solution commonly discharged from a residence or from commercial, institutional, or other similar facilities.
      (aa)    SEWAGE INSTALLER TEST FEE. The fee for the test establishing installer proficiency.
      (bb)    SEWAGE INSTALLERS. Any person who engages in the business of installing or altering or who, as an employee of another, installs or alters any sewage treatment system.
      (cc)    SEWAGE PERMITS. The sewage permit is for the installation, operation, and maintenance of a sewage treatment system.
      (dd)    SEWAGE PROVIDER. Any person who services, but does not install or alter, a sewage treatment system.
      (ee)    SEWAGE SYSTEM. Also known as a household sewage treatment system.
      (ff)    SEWAGE AND WATER SYSTEM INSPECTION. Inspection of both sewage and water systems.
      (gg)    SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM (STS). An HSTS, a small flow on-site sewage treatment system, or both, as applicable.
      (hh)    SITE EVALUTIONS-NEW LOTS. Site evaluations determine the type and size of household sewage treatment system suitable for a new lot.
      (ii)    SITE EVALUTIONS-REPLACEMENTS. Site evaluations determine the type and size of household sewage treatment system for the replacement of a part of a septic system.
      (jj)    SITE EVALUTIONS-LOT SPLIT. Site evaluations which insure the lots are suitable for residential division for the installation of household sewage treatment systems.
     (kk)    SITE EVALUTIONS-WITH EXISTING HOME. Site evaluations which determine the type and size of household treatment systems.
      (ll)    SMALL FLOW ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM (SFOSTS). A system, other than an HSTS, that treats not more than 1,000 gallons of sewage per day and that does not require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit issued under Ohio R.C. 6111.03 or an injection well drilling or operating permit issued under Ohio R.C. 6111.043. A structure or structures served by a SFOSTS shall include but is not limited to:
            (1)    Vacation rental cabins with multiple cabins served by an SFOSTS.
            (2)    A dwelling and an ancillary building both served by an SFOSTS where the ancillary building may be open to the public and is used by more than the residents of the dwelling.
            (3)    Two dwellings, including arrangements such as a dwelling and a detached garage with living space.
            (4)    A dwelling with a home business that may be open to the public, generates sewage in excess of the daily design flow or waste strength for an HSTS, and has no wastewater going to the SFOSTS other than sewage as defined in this section.
      (mm)    WATER SYSTEM. Private water systems are regulated by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) under Sections 3701.344 to 3701.347 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Chapter 3701-28 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC). Private Water Systems are potable water wells, ponds, springs, cisterns and hauled water storage tanks that provide drinking water to fewer than 25 people, less than sixty days out of the year, and have less than 15 service connections. These would include single water supplies that serve homes, small businesses, small churches, small mobile home parks or communities with fewer than 25 residents.
   (nn)   VARIANCE APPLICATION REVIEW. The review by the Hamilton City Division of Public Health of any application of one who requests a variation of the rules from the requirements of rules 3701-29-01 to 3701-29-21 of the Ohio Sanitary Code as will not be contrary to the public interest as authorized by 3701-29-20.
      (Ord. 2022-4-26. Passed 4-13-22.)
      (a)    The purpose of the STS rules is to establish HSTS and SFOSTS rules of general application including standards for siting, design, installation, alteration, operation, monitoring, maintenance, and abandonment of an HSTS to protect public health and the environment.
   (b)   The scope of the rules includes the performance of STS components, persons, agencies, and organizations as these relate to the effective management of HSTS and SFOSTS, including the siting, design, installation, alteration, operation, monitoring, maintenance, and abandonment of an HSTS.
      (1)   HSTS components include those specified directly in rule, designated by a review process specified in rule, or addressed through the Technical Advisory Committee review in compliance with Ohio R.C. 3718.03 and 3718.04.
            (2)    Persons include owners, operators, site evaluators, soil evaluators, manufacturers, suppliers, designers, installers, septage haulers, service providers, inspectors, and regulators.
            (3)    Agencies include boards of health, the Department of Health, and OEPA.
            (4)    Organizations include professional associations, educational providers, responsible management entities, and other organizations engaged in activities addressed in the rules.
         (Ord. 2022-4-26. Passed 4-13-22.)
      (a)    The fees shall be established using the categories prescribed in this section and the cost methodology prescribed by this chapter. The State Department of Health shall receive the portion of each permit fee for STS installation or replacement as required under division (c) of this section.
   (b)    The Board of Health shall collect a fee outlined in HB 119 (127th General Assembly) on behalf of the State Department of Health and forward the fee to the Department.
   2012 City of Hamilton Division of Public Health Environmental Health Fee Schedule
Real Estate Inspections
Sewage System
Water System
Each Reinspection
Sewage and Water System Inspection
Household Sewage Program
Sewage Installers
Sewage Provider
Sewage Installer Test Fee
Sewage Permits
Site Evaluations - New Lot
Site Evaluations - Replacements
Site Evaluations - Lot Split
Site Evaluation With Existing Home
New Permit Conventional System, 1 inspection (includes State Fee of $25.00)
New Permit Advanced System, up to 3 inspections (includes State Fee of $25.00)
* Homeowner installers are required to take and pass the installer’s test before any permit will be issued
Septic Tank Replacement Only
Miscellaneous Charges
Variance Application Review
(Ord. 2022-4-26. Passed 4-13-22.)
      (a)    Commencing one year after the effective date of this section, the Board of Health shall use data from its previous fiscal year to calculate the actual cost of administering and enforcing Ohio R.C. Chapter 3718. The Board of Health shall calculate the actual cost of the program including the following functions:
            (1)    The administration and enforcement of the site and plan review, permitting and installation, and inspections of HSTS. Inspections shall include any site inspections, installation inspections, and operation inspections required in this chapter.
            (2)    The administration and enforcement of the site and plan review, permitting and installation, and inspections of SFOSTS. Inspections shall include any site inspections, installation inspections and operation inspections required in this chapter.
      (3)    Operational oversight of HSTS and SFOSTS.
      (4)    Registration of installers, service providers and septage haulers.
      (5)    Permitting of vehicles for septage hauling.
      (6)    Review of land application sites for septage as required under chapter.
      (7)    Conducting sampling as necessary to determine compliance with this chapter.
      (8)    Provision of education and consultation services.
         (Ord. 2022-4-26. Passed 4-13-22.)