(a)    The purpose of the STS rules is to establish HSTS and SFOSTS rules of general application including standards for siting, design, installation, alteration, operation, monitoring, maintenance, and abandonment of an HSTS to protect public health and the environment.
   (b)   The scope of the rules includes the performance of STS components, persons, agencies, and organizations as these relate to the effective management of HSTS and SFOSTS, including the siting, design, installation, alteration, operation, monitoring, maintenance, and abandonment of an HSTS.
      (1)   HSTS components include those specified directly in rule, designated by a review process specified in rule, or addressed through the Technical Advisory Committee review in compliance with Ohio R.C. 3718.03 and 3718.04.
            (2)    Persons include owners, operators, site evaluators, soil evaluators, manufacturers, suppliers, designers, installers, septage haulers, service providers, inspectors, and regulators.
            (3)    Agencies include boards of health, the Department of Health, and OEPA.
            (4)    Organizations include professional associations, educational providers, responsible management entities, and other organizations engaged in activities addressed in the rules.
         (Ord. 2022-4-26. Passed 4-13-22.)