(a)   Inspections. All building sewers shall be inspected and approved by the Administrator after the pipe has been laid but before being covered with backfill. The sewer tapper to whom the permit has been issued shall call the Administrator, requesting the inspection, at least one half day before the inspection is desired.
   (b)   Separate Sewers Required. A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for each residence or building; except where on building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and separate building sewers cannot be made available to each building, then one building sewer may be extended to serve both buildings. A permit shall be obtained, as required in Section 921.03, for each building connected to the building sewer.
   (c)   Materials.
      (1)   The building sewer shall be constructed of a size not less than six inches, internal diameter, and shall be of extra strength vitrified clay pipe, ductal iron pipe, concrete pipe, PVC pipe (ASTMD3034), or asbestos cement pipe, and with water tight joints using proper curves for all changes in alignment or grade. The Administrator may require the sewer tapper to demonstrate the water tightness of the joints by such tests as may be necessary.
      (2)   Where the building sewer shall cross unstable soil or close to a tree or trees where roots may enter the joints, extra heavy cast iron pipe, solidly caulked with lead, may be required.
   (d)   Grade and Construction.
      (1)   The building sewer shall have a minimum fall of one fourth inch per linear foot from the building to the public sewer. The Administrator may, by special permission in each case, authorize the building sewer to be constructed with a fall as little as one eighth inch per linear foot if he determines such procedure to be desirable.
      (2)   The interior of each length of pipe shall be made perfectly clean and free from offsets, fins and projections before the next length is connected thereto. All building sewers shall be graded by line and pole, the line being first leveled from the building to the lateral or public sewer and then lowered at the lateral end to obtain the required fall.
      (3)   The junction between the building sewer and the house drain or house plumbing shall be made water tight.
   (e)   Location and Depth. Building sewers shall not be constructed closer than three feet to any exterior wall, cellar, basement or cistern nor shall they have less than two feet of earth or stone cover.
   (f)   Excavations. All excavation shall be by open cut from the surface. The sides of the trench shall be substantially vertical, using such sheeting and bracing as may be necessary to accomplish this result. The bottom of the excavation shall be shaped as nearly as possible to fit the lower half of the sewer so that the pipe will have uniform bearing from end to end, In the event the trench is excavated below the required grade of the pipe, the excess space shall be filled with pea gravel grits or stone not over three quarter inch in diameter. The width of the trench at the top of the pipe shall not exceed two feet plus the outside diameter of the pipe, nor shall the width be less than one foot plus the outside diameter of the pipe.
   (g)   Backfilling.
      (1)   The building sewer shall be backfilled to an elevation at least six inches over the top of the pipe by tamping in six inch layers. Soil containing stones larger than six inches in the greatest dimension shall not be used for this portion of the backfill.
      (2)   The balance of the backfill may be deposited in any manner which shall not damage the pipe or disturb the alignment or grade of the sewer; except that the balance of the backfilling shall be done in such manner and with such material as may be required by the permit referred to in Section 921.02.
   (h)   Work In Streets, Roads and Alleys. The sewer tapper to whom a permit is issued shall be responsible for obtaining any required permits to open cut any street, road or alley, from the appropriate political body or official having authority or jurisdiction over such work.
   (i)   Connections to the Lateral or Public Sewer.
      (1)   If the connection is to be made to an existing Y branch, the cap or plug shall be broken out with care so as to avoid damage to the bell of the branch or to the lateral sewer.
      (2)   If a six inch connection is to be made to a lateral or public sewer at a point where no Y branch has been provided, the pipe layer shall insert a new Y branch in the main line when such main line is not over ten inches internal diameter. Where six inch connections are to be made in laterals or public sewers of twelve inches or over, internal diameter, an opening may be cut in the lateral of sufficient size to insert a properly shaped saddle connection. The saddle shall not be cemented in place or covered except in the presence of the inspector from the City.
   (j)   Existing Storm Sewers and Curb Drains.
      (1)   The permit holder shall be required to repair or restore any drains or service lines damaged or disturbed by him during the construction of the building sewer.
      (2)   Old or existing building sewers may be used in connection with new building or alterations only when it can be demonstrated that they conform in all respects to the requirements contained herein for new building sewers.
   (k)   Basement Excavations Not to Discharge Into Building Sewers. Surface water which collects in basement or foundation excavations shall not be discharged at any time into the building sewer. If the building sewer is completed before the plumbing can be connected thereto, the builder or sewer tapper shall keep the end of the building sewer tightly closed at all times with a plumbers plug or other water tight plug in order to prevent surface or ground water from entering the building sewer.
   (l)   Foundation Drains. Foundation drains shall not be connected, either directly or indirectly, to the building sewer or sewage system. If such drains are installed they shall be so constructed that the surface or subsurface water shall be carried to the street or to some other place of disposal.
   (m)   Water and Gas Services. Water and gas services shall not be laid in the same trench as the building sewer.
   (n)   Ground or Surface Water. Down spouts, surface inlets and subsurface drains, shall not be connected to or discharged into any part of the sanitary sewerage system.
   (o)   Deleterious Wastes. No person, firm or corporation shall discharge or permit the discharge of any deleterious wastes into the sewerage system. Such wastes are defined as oils, acids, cyanides, explosive or inflammable compounds, industrial chemicals, poisons and any other substance, gas or liquid which may in any way damage or interfere with the use of operation of the sanitary sewers or sewage treatment plant or which may create a hazard to life or property. (Ord. 16-022. Passed 5-23-16.)