925.01 Definitions.
925.02 Charges within corporate limits.
925.03 Sewerage system capacity charge.
925.04 Sewer front foot connection charge.
925.05 Rates outside City.
925.06 Billing, meter reading, terms of payment.
925.07 Sewer extension
925.08 Charge for extension of sewers within the City.
925.09 Sewer rates for users on Columbus sewer line.
925.99 Penalty.
Sewerage rates - see Ohio R.C. 729.49
Weekly deposit of sewer rentals collected - see Ohio R.C. 729.52
Assessments - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 729
In addition to the definitions which are provided in Section 921.02, the following definitions shall pertain:
(a) "Available frontage" means the frontage for all parcels which abut on the water main or public sewer, as applicable. On corner parcels the frontage shall be the shortest frontage which abuts on a street right of way. Parcels which already abut on a sewer shall not be considered as part of the available frontage.
(b) "Corner parcel" means a lot or parcel abutting on two or more intersecting streets.
(c) "Front Foot" or "Front Footage" means the lot length abutting the public sewer installed in an adjacent right of way, determined as follows:
(1) Lots or parcels of ground having the same width at the front and rear and the same depth on each side shall be charged for on the basis of the actual frontage; provided however that in the event the depth of such lot or parcel of ground abuts on a street or other public way and the owner elects to construct a building fronting on the street or public way abutting such depth, the front foot shall be determined by that lot length.
(2) For lots or parcels of ground which are of irregular shape, "Front Foot" shall be determined on the basis of the width of such property as measured on the building setback line parallel to the centerline of the street upon which such property is to face, except that for lots or parcels of ground having curved frontage the width to be charged for shall be measured on a line parallel to and forty feet distant from a line tangent to such curved frontage at a point midway between the sides of the lots or parcels of ground.
(3) When a parcel is to be served by a sewer running through an adjacent parcel, but not along adjacent road frontage, then Front Foot for that parcel shall be determined in accordance herewith as if the sewer was installed in the road upon which the parcel does front.
(4) "Front Foot" shall be determined by the use of an engineer's scale applied to either the record drawings of the sewers sought to be tapped on file in the office or on the basis of the Franklin County GIS maps in the Auditor's office in the event of irregular lots. The widths so determined by the City issuing the permit shall be final.
(5) Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the depth of a parcel exceeds the front footage by more than 150%, then an "Adjusted Front Foot" shall be used which shall be based on the following equation, provided, however, that if the owner of a parcel agrees to limit the parcel to only one connection to the sewer, then the Front Foot shall be determined by subsection (a) or (b) as otherwise applicable. "Adjusted Front Foot" shall be computed as follows:
Total Parcel Square Footage
ADFF = _____________________________ X AFF
AFF X (AFF X 250%)
ADFF = Adjusted Front Foot width
AFF = Actual Front Foot width at building set back line
(d) "House sewer" means that part of the sanitary sewer system which connects the plumbing of the house or building to a common, public sewer, main or lateral.
(e) "Industrial wastes" means the liquid waste resulting from any commercial, manufacturing or industrial operation process.
(f) "Permit" means a legal, instrument requiring execution prior to approving a new sewer tap and connection or transfer of accounts.
(g) "Private sewer" means a sewer, other than a building sewer, not less than eight inches in diameter, connecting with and discharging directly into the sewerage system of the City, or indirectly into such system, through an authorized extension thereof, the construction of which is financed entirely or in part with other than public funds and which is designed to provide local service for property abutting the sewer or which may in the future abut an extension thereof.
(h) "Reimbursable Costs" for Privately Built, Publicly Owned Sewers means, subject to the review and approval of the Administrator for reasonableness compared to like costs in the central Ohio area, the sum of the direct costs of construction of the sanitary sewer and related improvements (excluding any charges for costs of damaged materials or construction damage to adjacent properties), the costs of acquisition of any and all rights of way necessitated due to the line of said sewer being outside the existing public right of way, costs of restoration of the surface whether paved or not paved, costs of reconnection of all existing service laterals, all inspection and monitoring fees, all design and engineering fees and associated legal and appraisal fees directly attributable to construction of the sewer (including reimbursement of fees by City officials or its agents for provision of
such services), all construction and maintenance bond fees necessary to secure assurance for project completion, and such other costs as the Administrator, in his sole discretion, shall deem appropriate to be included as Reimbursable Costs. Reimbursable Costs shall not include any developer overhead or similar indirect charges. Upon submission of a list of final Reimbursable Costs and supporting documentation verified by the developer, and upon approval thereof by the Administrator, Reimbursable Costs be certified by the Administrator within sixty (60) days of completion of construction as evidenced by the Administrator's issuance of a Certificate of Completion following the final inspection of the project. Reimbursable Costs shall not include amounts to be paid by the City as set forth in sections 925.08 for the costs of over sizing the sewer for future expansion.
(i) "Sewer service outside city" means sewer service furnished to consumers outside the corporate limits of the City. No new sewer service shall be extended outside the City limits without the express permission of the Director of Public Service of City of Columbus.
(j) "Tap" means the connection from the building sewer to the sewer main or lateral.
(Ord. 16-022. Passed 5-23-16.)