A.   The city may offer and pay a reward, from funds set aside for that purpose, in an amount not less than fifty percent (50%) of the fine imposed, for the arrest and conviction or for evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of any person who violates the provisions of section 14-106 of this chapter.
   B.   The city may create and maintain a reward fund in the city treasury which shall be a revolving fund not subject to fiscal year limitations, from which to pay the rewards provided for in subsection A of this section. Any monies for which no claim is filed within the period provided in subsection C of this section, shall revert to the general fund. Any monies remaining in the reward fund after all claims have been paid or denied shall revert to the general fund.
   C.   Claims for rewards shall be on forms provided by the city and shall be submitted to the prosecuting attorney of the city no later than thirty (30) days after sentencing of the defendant. The prosecuting attorney shall investigate the validity of the claim and make a nonbinding written recommendation to the city.
   D.   All claims relating to a conviction shall be considered together at the next regular meeting of the city following receipt of the prosecuting attorney's report.
   E.   In determining the amount of the reward, the city shall have sole discretion to honor or deny the claim, but shall consider:
      1.   The severity of the offense;
      2.   The size of the fine imposed;
      3.   The number of persons claiming a reward and the degree to which each claimant was responsible for the arrest or conviction;
      4.   The burden, if any, incurred by the claimant including cost to appear at trial; and
      5.   Other factors which the city deems appropriate.
   F.   No reward shall be authorized and no debt shall accrue to the city upon the depletion of the reward fund authorized by this section.
   G.   The reward authorized by this section shall be in lieu of any other city reward.
   H.   Full time peace officers of this city shall not be eligible for the reward provided by this section.
   I.   As used in this section, "litter" means any flaming or glowing substances except those which by law may be placed upon highway rights of way, any substance which may cause a fire, any bottles, cans, trash, garbage, or debris of any kind. As used in this section, "litter" shall not include trash, garbage, or debris placed beside a public road for collection by a garbage collection agency, or deposited upon or within public property designated by the state or by any of its agencies or political subdivisions as an appropriate place for such deposits if the person making the deposit is authorized to use the property for such purpose. (Ord. 336, 1-3-1989)