(EDITOR’S NOTE: This section was repealed by Ordinance C104-04 passed December 6, 2004.)
(EDITOR’S NOTE: This section was repealed by Ordinance C104-04 passed December 6, 2004.)
   (a)   No person shall engage in or work at the trade or occupation of plumbing in the City as a registered plumber unless the person is the holder of a registration then in force issued by the City, giving him/her the right to perform or supervise such work, or unless the person has then in his employ a holder of such a registration then in force supervising the work. The license shall be obtained by request therefore to the Building Division and the request shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) and proof of holding a valid plumbing contractor's license issued by the State of Ohio.
   (b)   Any person who performs any plumbing installation, or other plumbing work for hire, or without hire, for another person, shall be subject to the provisions of Section 1301.99.
(Ord. C29-82. Passed 5-3-82; Ord. C30-88. Passed 5-16-88.)
   (c)   No person, member of any firm, officer of any corporation or the agent of any person, firm or corporation, authorized to carry on the business of plumbing or drain laying shall permit his/her, their or its name to be used directly or indirectly by any other person, either to obtain a permit to do plumbing or drain laying work, contract for and do such work under a permit obtained by such person, firm or agent of a corporation or do any work under his/her or their registration.
(Ord. C45-66. Passed 7-11-66; Ord. C104-04. Passed 12-6-04.)
1331.99   PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 1301.99 for general Building Code penalty if no other penalty is provided.)
   Whoever violates Section 1331.06(b) shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned for not more than ninety days, or both, but no person shall be imprisoned under this section for the first offense, and the prosecution shall always be as and for a first offense, unless the affidavit upon which the prosecution is instituted, contains the allegation that the offense is a second or repeated offense.
(Ord. 281; Ord. C104-04. Passed 12-6-04.)