Residential yard requirements in AR-5, R-S, R-1, R-2 and R-3, and R-4 districts shall be as follows:
A. Main building Yard Requirements. Minimum yard requirements as measured from any lot line to the foundation of a residential building or required parking area or structure which requires a building permit:
1. Front Yard.
a. Twenty (20) feet from lot line. Where four or more lots in a block have been improved with buildings, the minimum front yard may be the average of the improved lots if less than the required twenty (20) feet but not less than fifteen feet.
2. Side Yard.
a. Twenty (20) percent of lot width for total of both sides but not less than five (5) feet, but no more than twenty-five (25) feet will be required. An additional three (3) foot setback is required for each story.
b. The side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than twenty (20) feet unless the parcel was created prior to June 1, 1984; then, a minimum of ten (10) feet will be required.
c. The side yard for interior lots designated as R-1A or R-1B may be zero (0) to three (3) feet. Pre-existing conditions are allowed until such time that a permit is requested to improve the property at which time the Building Department shall evaluate the building requirements to improve wall construction for either a residence or accessory structure up to the currently adopted code for fire resistance to enhance the general safety of the City; the applicant may be required to upgrade the construction to ensure the building code is met.
3. Rear Yard.
a. Five (5) feet from rear lot line.
b. Front yard landscaping. Entire front yard area shall be landscaped. For new dwelling units, an underground irrigation system with at least one shade tree from the City of Gridley approved list of trees in at least a five-gallon container size shall be planted within the front yard prior to final inspection or occupancy.
c. Walkways, parking areas, vehicular access ways and other impervious surfaces shall not collectively occupy more than 50% of the total front yard area between the principal dwelling unit and the front public or private street curb. Any paved areas in excess of this requirement in existence at the time of adoption shall be deemed legal nonconforming.
B. Accessory Building Yard Requirements. Minimum yard requirements of twenty feet in the front yard and five feet as measured from the side and rear lot lines to the foundation of any accessory building or required parking area, or to the points or locations at which a semi-permanent structure is anchored to the ground.
C. R-3 and R-4 Districts (Yard Requirements, Additional).
1. Distances between buildings and special yards are as follows:
a. Minimum distance of ten (10) feet between the side of one building and the side of another building;
b. Minimum distance of twenty (20) feet between the side of one building and the front or rear of another building;
c. The minimum distance for a single-story building is twenty (20) feet and a two-story building is forty (40) feet between the front or rear of one building and the front or rear of another building.
D. Projections Into Required Yard Areas and Setbacks. The Planning Commission may approve the following projections into required yard areas. The determination of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council within ten (10) days of the date of determination. Projections shall not be permitted in yards that are less than the minimum established by district regulations, except as provided for in Section 17.78.020D.3., and shall comply with the following:
1. Architectural features shall be compatible with existing structures, such as cornices, canopies, eaves and sills shall be permitted to project into front, rear, and side yards two feet.
2. Steps serving the first floor, and bay windows, decks and porches serving the first floor may encroach into the front yard setback area ten (10) feet or an amount equal to one-half of the current required setback, whichever results in a greater setback, if all of the following apply:
a. The residence was constructed prior to 1940 or has obvious historic significance.
b. The proposed feature/addition is architecturally compatible with the existing residence.
c. The proposed feature/addition complies with Section 17.36.040 of the Gridley Municipal Code regarding site distance visibility.
d. The features and/or additions listed in this subsection shall not extend beyond the width of the building wall along which it is located.
2. Any structure necessary to provide access to the first floor for the physically disabled.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 27 (part), 2016)