(A) In the interest of safety, it shall be unlawful for persons under the age of 18 to have on their person or in their possession any firearm or air gun, BB gun, or pellet gun except when accompanied by one of their parents or a legal guardian or when on the property of such parent or legal guardian.
(B) All persons under the age of 18 found to have any firearm or air gun, BB gun, or pellet gun in violation of division (A) of this section will have such weapon confiscated by the Police Department and the case referred to the county juvenile probation officer.
('76 Code, § 16-2) (Ord. 1970-11, passed 11-2-70) Penalty, see § 130.99
The following acts are declared to be unlawful and per se public nuisances, but the enumeration of the following shall not be taken as exclusive:
(A) Loud continuing noises. The making of or continuing, or causing or aiding to be made or continued, any loud, unnecessary, or unusual noises whatsoever, which either annoy, injure, or endanger the comfort, repose, health, or safety of others, unless the making or continuing of the same is necessary for the protection or preservation of property, or the health, safety, life, or limb of some person.
(B) Sounding horns. The sounding of any horn, signal, device, whistle, or attachment on any automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, truck, bus, railroad engine, or other vehicle, except as a necessary warning of danger to persons or property.
(C) Use of vehicle. The creation of grating, screeching, grinding, squeaking, loud reports or shots, or other noises in the use of automobiles, motorcycles, or other vehicles or appurtenances attached thereto.
(D) Musical instruments. The creation of loud noises by the manipulation, handling, and playing of musical instruments, except in conjunction with authorized parades or public functions, a permit for which has been issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer.
(E) Sound trucks or public address systems. The creation of noises by the use of radios, sound trucks, public address systems, or similar devices on the streets or public places of the city, or the use of any such devices, or any window tapping or rattling devices on or from any building or private property for the purpose of advertising or attracting attention, however, the city police may use a sound truck or public address system on the streets and public places for the purpose of directing or educating all vehicular traffic on the streets and public places.
(F) Radios, phonographs, and victrolas. The creation of noise by any radio, phonograph, victrola, or other musical instrument or the making of loud, unnecessary, or boisterous noises at any hour whatsoever of the day.
(G) Pets. The keeping of any animal, bird, or fowl, which by odor, or by causing frequent or continued noises, shall disturb the comfort or repose of persons in any dwelling, apartment house, or residence.
('76 Code, § 16-4) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) It is a curfew violation for a child 15, 16, or 17 years of age to be in a public place:
(1) Between l:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. on Saturday or Sunday;
(2) After ll:00 p.m. on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday; or
(3) Before 5:00 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
(B) It is a curfew violation for a child under 15 years of age to be in a public place after ll:00 p.m. or before 5:00 a.m. on any day.
(C) This section does not apply to a child who is:
(1) Accompanied by his parent, guardian, or custodian;
(2) Accompanied by an adult specified by his parent, guardian, or custodian; or
(3) Participating in, going to, or returning from:
(a) Lawful employment;
(b) A school sanctioned activity; or
(c) A religious event.
Civil emergencies curfew, see § 91.03