One single or double face unilluminated freestanding sign at each street entrance to a subdivision for the sole purpose of displaying the name of the subdivision, and which shall meet the following standards (see Figure 11-5-3-3:A, set out in Section 11-9-3):
   A.   Surface Area: The surface area of such signs shall not be greater than twelve (12) square feet per face;
   B.   Height: The height of such sign shall not be higher than six feet (6') above the ground at the base of the sign, nor higher than ten feet (10') above the edge of the street pavement nearest the sign, whichever is less; and
   C.   Easement: Any such sign shall be located within a permanent easement for the sign and landscaping. The easement shall include provisions for the continued maintenance of the sign and landscaping, and shall be recorded as part of the plat of subdivision. (Ord. 91-06, 8-28-91)