(A)   Upon receipt of an application, the Village Clerk shall bring the application before the Village Council at its next regular meeting. The Council shall refer the application to the Village Planning Commission for site plan review, if necessary, and to any other appropriate body for review and comment.
   (B)   The Village Engineer shall report in writing to the Council as to whether or not the proposed private road conforms to the standards and specifications of this subchapter. The report may include any suggested conditions to be attached to the permit which, in the Village Engineer’s judgement, are necessary to achieve the intent of this subchapter.
   (C)   The Village Council shall consider the application, the Village Engineer’s report and all other relevant information in determining whether to grant the permit application. If the information submitted by the applicant does not establish that the proposed private road will conform to the standards and specifications of this subchapter, the Village Council shall not grant the permit. The Village Council shall impose those conditions on the approval of the permit as it deems necessary to achieve the intent and objectives of this subchapter, which may include, but need not be limited to, conditions suggested by the Village Engineer. The breach of any such condition proposed by the Village Council shall automatically invalidate the permit.
   (D)   As a condition to the granting of any permit under this subchapter, the Village Council shall require that the applicant deposit with the Village Clerk a sum of money, bank letter of credit or certified check in an amount sufficient to guarantee that the applicant shall perform the terms and conditions of the permit, including the payment of required fees. The amount of the required deposit will be based in part on a recommendation from the Village Engineer of projected costs to complete the approved project. Upon completion of all improvements required by this subchapter, any unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded to the applicant.
   (E)   Upon receipt of the required deposit and predetermined fees and approval of the application by the Village Council, the Village Zoning Administrator shall issue the permit pursuant to the terms established by the Village Council approving the application.
   (F)   Only the Village Council shall have the authority to approve or deny applications for permits. No other permit issued by any other village official or other governmental body or official shall substitute for a permit.
   (G)   As a condition to the granting of a permit under this subchapter, the Council may require a staked survey by the Village Engineer at the owner’s expense.
(Prior Code, § 92.20) (Ord. 26, passed 3-1-1994; Ord. 26, passed 11-6-1995)