(A) Unobstructed, safe and continuous access to lots is necessary to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare and ensure that police, fire and emergency services can safely and quickly enter and exit private property at all times.
(B) The procedures, standards and specifications hereinafter set forth are determined to be the minimum necessary to meet the intention of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 92.15) (Ord. 26, passed 3-1-1994)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION. The Road Commission of Jackson County, Michigan.
DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
LOT. A parcel of land of at least sufficient size to meet minimum zoning requirements for use and coverage and area and to provide yards and other open spaces as herein required. The LOT may consist of a single lot of record, a portion of a lot of record, a combination of contiguous lots of record, or contiguous portions of lots of record, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds, with means of access in accordance with this subchapter and the Village Zoning Ordinance.
PLANNING COMMISSION. The Planning Commission of the Village of Grass Lake.
PUBLIC STREET OR RIGHT-OF-WAY. A public or dedicated right-of-way which affords the principal means of vehicular access to abutting property and which is under public ownership or control.
VILLAGE CLERK. The Clerk of the Village of Grass Lake.
VILLAGE COUNCIL. The Council of the Village of Grass Lake.
VILLAGE ENGINEER. The Engineer of the Village of Grass Lake.
(Prior Code, § 92.16) (Ord. 26, passed 3-1-1994; Ord. 26, passed 11-6-1995)
(A) The following table of minimum requirements and specifications for private roads shall apply.
Minimum Requirements and Specifications for Private Streets and Roads
| ||
Class A
Class B
Minimum Requirements and Specifications for Private Streets and Roads
| ||
Class A
Class B
| |
Base | ||
Gravel surface | Where permitted by variance of the township, 6 inches of crushed limestone, slag or processed road gravel (MDOT 22A or 23A) in two equal courses, each compacted 22 feet wide | Same as Class A, except 16 feet wide |
Paved surface | 6 inches of crushed limestone, slag or processed road gravel (MDOT 22A) in two equal courses, each compacted 28 feet wide | Not applicable unless paving is requested by applicant |
Pavement | 2.5 inches bituminous aggregate #1100 mix, 22 feet wide | Not applicable |
Curb and gutter | ||
May be required by Township Engineer in consideration of narrow lot, width and road grade | Where required, curb and gutter shall meet requirements of the current MDOT specifications for straight-back or roll curb | Same as Class A |
Ditches | ||
Minimum grade | 0.5% | Ditches shall be of sufficient width, depth and grades to provide for adequate and positive drainage |
Grades of 0.5% to 4.0% | Shall be sodded or otherwise stabilized | Same as Class A |
Grades of 4.1% and steeper | Shall be stabilized with rip-rap | Same as Class A |
Grades of front/back slopes | Shall not exceed 1-on-4 | Same as Class A |
Easement width | 66 feet | 66 feet |
Roadway curves | ||
Horizontal minimum | 230-foot radius | Same as Class A |
Vertical minimum | 100 feet long for changes in gradient of 2% or more | Same as Class A |
Roadway grades | ||
Maximum | 5.5% | Same as Class A |
Minimum | 0.5% | Same as Class A |
Sub-base | Depth will vary depending upon native soil types; spread to a minimum width sufficient to extend to the front slope of the roadside ditch | Same as Class A |
Turnaround areas | ||
Cul-de-sac | 60-foot radius easement, 46-foot radius roadway surface | Same as Class A |
T Type | May be substituted for cul-de-sac if applicant can show that it will function as well as the required turning circle | Same as Class A |
(B) In addition to the standards and specifications set forth in division (A) above, all private roads shall meet the following additional minimum requirements and specifications.
(1) The roadway surface and cul-de-sac area shall be centered in the right-of-way.
(2) The connection between the private road and the public road shall conform to the standards and specifications of the County Road Commission. Where a gravel base private road connects to a paved village or county road, the private road shall have a paved approach.
(3) Underground crossroad drainage shall be provided where the proposed road crosses a stream or other drainage course. Necessary culverts and erosion treatments shall be provided in accordance with the specifications of the County Road Commission and/or County Drain Commissioner.
(4) The private road easement and road shall be adequately drained so as to prevent flooding or erosion of the roadway. Ditches shall be located within the private road easement. Road drainage shall be constructed so that the runoff water shall be conveyed to existing watercourses or water bodies. Drainage shall not be discharged upon the land of another property owner unless the water is following an established watercourse or drainage pattern. The discharged water onto adjoining properties shall also not exceed the normal agricultural rate. Connection to county drains shall be approved by the County Drain Commissioner prior to the issuance of permit.
(5) Private road signs shall be erected and maintained in accordance with the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic-Control Devices. All private roads shall be named and provided with street name signs at all intersections with other public or private roads.
(6) The road easement shall provide for ingress, egress, drainage and installation and for maintenance of public and private utilities.
(7) The private road shall be subject to all other village, county and state permits and regulations.
(Prior Code, § 92.19) (Ord. 26, passed 3-1-1994)