(a) All licenses
terminate on March 1 of the year following their date of issuance.
(b) The City Clerk
mail to all licensees of the city a statement of the time of expiration of the license held by the licensee, three weeks prior to the date of such expiration. However, failure to send out such notice, or failure of the licensee to receive it, shall not excuse the licensee from failure to obtain a new license or a renewal thereof, nor shall it be a defense in an action for operation without a license.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
No license
be issued for the conduct of any business, and no permit shall be issued for any thing or act, if the
and building to be used for such business, thing or act do not fully comply with the requirements of the city. No such license or permit shall be issued for the conduct of any business or for the performance of any act which would involve a violation of the zoning code.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
The location of any licensed business or occupation, or of any permitted act,
be changed, provided that ten days’ notice thereof is given to the City Clerk, in the absence of any provision to the contrary, and provided, further, that the building, zoning and frontage requirements of the ordinances of the city are complied with.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
(a) Whenever inspections of
used for or in connection with the operation of a licensed business or occupation are provided for or required by
or are reasonably necessary to secure compliance with any
provision or to detect violations thereof, the licensee or the person in charge of the
to be inspected
admit thereto, for the purpose of making the inspection, any officer or employee of the city who is authorized or directed to make such inspection at any
that admission is requested.
(b) Whenever an analysis of any commodity or material is reasonably necessary to secure conformity with any
provision or to detect violations thereof, the licensee whose business is governed by such provision
give to any authorized officer or employee of the city requesting the same sufficient samples of such material or commodity for such analysis.
(c) In addition to any other penalty which
be provided, the Mayor may revoke the license of any licensed
of any licensed business in the city who refuses to permit any such officer or employee to make such inspection or to take such sample, or who interferes with such officer or employee while in the performance of his or her duty in making such inspection or in taking such sample. However, no license
be revoked for such cause unless written demand is made upon the licensee or person in charge of the
, in the name of the city, stating that such inspection or sample is desired at the time it is sought to make the inspection or to obtain the sample.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
Any license or permit for a limited time
be revoked by the Mayor at any time during the life of such license or permit for a violation by the licensee or permittee of any of the
provisions relating to the license or permit, the subject matter of the license or permit or the
occupied. Such revocation may be in addition to any fine imposed.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)