802.01 Application of chapter
802.02 Licenses required
802.03 License applications
802.04 Forms
802.05 Signatures of Mayor and City Clerk
802.06 Inspections and investigations
802.07 License fees
802.08 License expiration
802.09 Compliance of buildings and
with city regulations and Zoning Code
802.10 Change of location
802.11 Nuisances
802.12 Right of entry; analysis of commodities or materials
802.13 Revocation of licenses or permits
802.14 Application to existing businesses
802.15 Posting of licenses
802.16 Adult attendants required
802.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Control of outdoor advertising by home rule municipalities, see M.C.L.A. § 117.4i
Coordinated collection of State license fees, see M.C.L.A. § 205.1
Liability insurance for municipalities, see M.C.L.A. § 691.1409
A license is required for the maintenance, operation and conduct of any business or establishment, or for doing business or engaging in any activity or occupation, by any person if, by himself or herself or through an agent, employee or partner, he or she holds himself or herself forth as being engaged in any business or occupation, solicits patronage therefor, actively or passively, or performs or attempts to perform any part of any business or occupation in the city.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
Applications for all licenses required by this chapter
be made in writing to the City Clerk, in the absence of provisions to the contrary. Each application shall state the name of the applicant, the license desired, the location where the same is proposed to be used, if any, and the time for which such license is desired. Each application shall contain such additional information as
be needed for the proper guidance of city officials in the issuance of the license applied for.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
Upon receipt of an application for a license where ordinances of the city necessitate an inspection or investigation before the issuance of such license, the City Clerk
refer such application to the proper officer for making such investigation within 48 hours of the time of such receipt. The officer charged with the duty of making the investigation or inspection shall make a report thereon, favorable or otherwise, within ten days after receiving the application or a copy thereof. The Health Officer shall make or cause to be made an inspection, for the protection of health, in regard to licenses in connection with the care and handling of food, the prevention of nuisances and the spread of disease. The Building Inspector shall make or cause to be made inspections relative to the construction of buildings or other structures. All other investigations, except where otherwise provided, shall be made by the Chief of Police or by some other officer designated by the Mayor.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)