§ 802.04 FORMS.
   Forms for all licenses and applications therefor be prepared and kept on file by the City Clerk.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
   Each license issued bear the signatures of the Mayor and the City Clerk in the absence of any provision to the contrary.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
   Upon receipt of an application for a license where ordinances of the city necessitate an inspection or investigation before the issuance of such license, the City Clerk refer such application to the proper officer for making such investigation within 48 hours of the time of such receipt. The officer charged with the duty of making the investigation or inspection shall make a report thereon, favorable or otherwise, within ten days after receiving the application or a copy thereof. The Health Officer shall make or cause to be made an inspection, for the protection of health, in regard to licenses in connection with the care and handling of food, the prevention of nuisances and the spread of disease. The Building Inspector shall make or cause to be made inspections relative to the construction of buildings or other structures. All other investigations, except where otherwise provided, shall be made by the Chief of Police or by some other officer designated by the Mayor.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
§ 802.07 LICENSE FEES.
   A fee of $5 be paid at the time an application for a license is made to the City Clerk. Except as otherwise provided, all license fees shall become a part of corporate funds.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)
   (a)   All licenses terminate on March 1 of the year following their date of issuance.
   (b)   The City Clerk mail to all licensees of the city a statement of the time of expiration of the license held by the licensee, three weeks prior to the date of such expiration. However, failure to send out such notice, or failure of the licensee to receive it, shall not excuse the licensee from failure to obtain a new license or a renewal thereof, nor shall it be a defense in an action for operation without a license.
(Ord. 72, passed 1-12-1972)