662.01 Burglary
662.02 Theft
662.03 Robbery
662.04 Criminal trespass
662.05 Destruction of trees, shrubs, plants or soil
662.06 Property destruction
662.07 Defacing or damaging school property
662.08 Criminal tampering
662.09 Desecration
662.10 Loitering prohibited
662.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Malicious destruction of property, see M.C.L.A. §§ 750.377a, 750.377b
Malicious destruction of property by minors, see M.C.L.A. § 600.2913
Theft generally, see M.C.L.A. §§ 750.356 et seq.
Real estate generally, see M.C.L.A. §§ 554.1 et seq.