Operation Generally
71.01 One-way streets
71.02 Limitations of backing
71.03 Emerging from alley, driveway or building
71.04 Emerging from parking space
71.05 Driving on laned roadway
71.06 Speed limit
71.07 Speed of railroad trains; ringing of bells; obstruction of street crossings
Special Stops Required; Right-of-Way
71.20 Stopping at certain intersections
71.21 Yield right-of-way intersections
71.22 Entering intersection or crosswalk when traffic obstruction would result
71.23 Driving through funeral processions
71.24 Stop when traffic obstructed
Turning Restrictions
71.35 Left turn at intersection
71.36 No left turn and no right turn intersection
71.37 Turning around prohibited in certain places
Prohibited Acts
71.50 Driving on sidewalk prohibited
71.51 Use of skateboards, roller skates, coasters, scooters and similar devices
71.52 Crossing fire hose
71.53 Spinning of wheels, causing tires to squeal
71.54 Racing, testing, or blowing out motor
71.55 Moving another's vehicle to unlawful place