1321.03 PROCEDURE.
   (a)   Inspection and Notice. The Chief Building Official shall inspect or cause to be inspected every building or structure or portion thereof reported as or believed to be an unsafe building as defined in Section 1321.01. He shall give written notice to the owner of record, including any purchaser under a recorded land contract and to the person occupying such building if he is not the owner thereof. The written notice shall specifically state the defects that cause the building to be unsafe and shall state that work shall commence within thirty (30) days, either to complete specified repairs or improvements or to demolish and remove the building or structure, or portion thereof, leaving the premises in a clean, safe and sanitary condition, such condition being subject to the approval of the Inspector; provided that, in cases of emergency making immediate repairs necessary, the Inspector may order the changes or demolition to be made within a shorter period. The notice shall also require the building or portion thereof to be vacated forthwith by the occupants thereof.
   (b)   Service of Notice. Proper service of such notice shall be by personal service, residence service or by registered mail; provided, however, that such notice shall be deemed to be properly served if a copy thereof is placed in a conspicuous place in or about the building or structure affected by this notice. If such notice is sent by registered mail, the thirty (30)-day period within which such owner is required to comply with the order of the Chief Building Official shall begin as of the date he received such notice.
   (c)   Securing Entrances and Posting of Signs. The Chief Building Official shall secure all entrances and cause to be posted at each entrance to such building a notice which reads: "Do not enter. Unsafe to occupy. Chief Building Official, Village of Glenwillow." Such notice shall remain posted until the required repairs are made or demolition is completed. No person shall enter the building except for the purpose of making the required repairs or of demolishing same.
   (d)   Permits. In all cases of construction or repair pursuant to orders of the Chief Building Official, permits covering such work shall be obtained as required by other sections of this Building Code or the Ohio Building Code.
   (e)   Right to Demolish and Levy Assessment for Costs. In case the owner of record or the purchaser under a land contract shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the notice to repair, rehabilitate or demolish and remove such building or structure or portion thereof, such party, either the owner of record or the purchaser under a land contract, shall be subject to the penal provisions of the Codified Ordinances of Glenwillow, Ohio, and the Chief Building Official shall proceed to have the building or structure or portion thereof demolished and removed from the premises, leaving the premises in a clean, safe and sanitary condition and the cost of such work shall be paid by the Village. If the Village is not immediately reimbursed for such costs, the amount thereof shall be certified to the County Treasurer and levied as a special assessment against such property on which the building or structure is located and shall be collected in the manner provided for special assessments.
   (f)   Right of Appeal. The owner, agent or person in charge of any dwelling structure shall have the right to appeal from any notice issued by the Chief Building Official, within the time specified in such notice for compliance therewith, and to appear before the Planning Commission at a specified time and place to show cause why he should not comply with such notice. Failure to file an appeal within the time prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to appeal. Filing of an appeal from any notice of the Inspector shall suspend action on enforcement of such notice until the appeal is acted upon by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2016-02-06. Passed 4-6-16.)