The construction or replacement of driveways for residential purposes in any use district and for all driveways in Residential Districts shall require a permit to be issued in accordance with Section 1301.11 of the Codified Ordinances and shall comply with the following requirements:
   (a)   The apron of the driveway located within the public right of way shall be constructed of a minimum six (6) inches (6") of reinforced Portland cement concrete except that any hard surface apron in existence as of the effective date of this section may remain or may be repaired or replaced with like materials.
   (b)   The driveway from the apron to the garage or other parking area shall be a smooth hard surface with a minimum thickness of four inches (4").
   (c)   Any driveway that crosses an open ditch or other drainage shall have a culvert, the size, design, and materials of which shall all be approved by the Engineer of the Village of Glenwillow.
(Ord. 2016-02-06. Passed 4-6-16.)