(a)   Whenever any fine, penalty, fee, charge, or payment (including without limitation tax payments) is due pursuant to any provision in the village code and is not paid within 30 days after the village delivers notice (unless a different period is stated elsewhere in the village code) to the person responsible for such fine, charge, or payment (the “responsible person”), the village may transfer such fine, penalty, fee, charge, or payment to a collection agency or attorney of the village’s choosing (the “collection agency”). The collection agency shall, for purposes of collection of such fine, penalty, fee, charge, or payment, be deemed an agent of the village. All costs incurred by the village for the collection of any fine, penalty, fee, charge, or payment by the collection agency shall be assessed against the responsible person as an additional fine, penalty, fee, charge, or payment, subject to any applicable statutory limits.
   (b)   Whenever any person shall make a payment to the village by check, draft, or other negotiable instrument for an amount due pursuant to the village code, or for an amount due as a result of any activities, services, or products made available in accordance with this code, and such payment is dishonored or otherwise returned to the village for lack of funds or any other reason, the amount due to the village shall be increased by the greater of $25 or the amount of any charges assessed upon the village as a result of the dishonor of such payment.
(Ord. No. 2014-05-3357)