(a)   The superintendent of water shall cause surveys and investigations to be made of all premises served by the waterworks systems to determine whether actual or potential hazards to the waterworks system may exist. A reasonable fee covering the cost of the survey or investigation may be levied against each customer whose premises are surveyed and investigated. Such surveys and investigations shall be made a matter of public record and shall be repeated at least once every three years, or more often as the superintendent of water shall deem necessary. Such surveys may be conducted by telephone, mail or personal visit to the premises and is not intended to include an actual visual inspection of piping or plumbing systems. Records of such surveys shall be maintained and available for review for a period of at least five year.
   (b)   On request by the superintendent of water, the customer shall furnish information regarding the piping system or systems or water use within the customer's premises. The refusal of such information, when requested, shall, within the discretion of the superintendent of water, be deemed evidence of the presence of improper connections as provided in this article.
   (c)   The customer shall arrange periodic surveys of water use practices on his or her premises to determine whether there are actual or potential cross-connections to the customer's water system through which contaminants or pollutants could backflow into the customer's water system or the waterworks system. Such surveys shall be conducted by a duly licensed and bonded plumber and shall be at the sole cost and expense of the customer, and a copy of the results shall be forwarded to the superintendent of water.
(Ord. No. 90-14-1823; Ord. No. 2023-31-3576)