(a)   Rate established. The rate for consumers receiving water from the water system of the village shall be as set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule and shall include both a fixed charge based on the size of the water meter installed on the premises as well as a volumetric charge based on water usage as recorded by water meters.
   (b)   Establishment of accounts and responsibility for payment.
      (1)   Whenever a person, firm, corporation or entity occupying any premises requests or obtains potable water service from the village’s water system there shall be established a water account for such premises that shall remain in effect unless and until a final water service bill is requested and paid, and a certified receipt of final payment is issued from the village relating to such account. Any person, firm, corporation or entity owning or occupying the premises shall be responsible for all fees, charges, rates, penalties, fines, obligations and liabilities relating to such account, whether such person, firm, corporation or entity originally opened such account or assumed such account upon the transfer of property ownership or occupancy and irrespective of the water usage by such person, firm, corporation or entity; provided, however, that any person, firm, corporation or entity who is a transferee of premises for which an account exists shall be relieved of any obligations and liabilities with respect to such account if such person, firm, corporation or entity obtains a certified receipt of final payment from the village relating to such account. If more than one person, firm, corporation or entity has occupied or owned the premises during the pendency of such account, each such person, firm, corporation and entity shall be jointly and severally liable for all matters and charges relating to such account.
      (2)   Any person, firm, corporation or entity that owns or occupies the premises may seek a certified receipt of final payment by requesting a final water meter reading and water bill, and paying all outstanding sums due on such account.
      (3)   Whenever a person, firm, corporation or entity occupying or owning a premises requests a final utility bill for such premises, the requestor must pay the fee or charge for generating the final utility bill set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule, and the village shall have the right to terminate water service to such premises following the issuance of a final bill for water services for such premises, unless the village receives a request to establish a new water account for such premises. If water service is terminated before any request for a new water account is received, the applicable reconnection fee or charge must be paid to the village before water service to such premises will be re-activated.
(Ord. No. 2003-15-3085)
   (c)   Notice and enforcement; exceptions. If the charges for service are not paid within 30 days within the rendition of the bill for such services, the village shall follow the notice and enforcement procedures as set forth in chapter 34A of this code, except that:
(Ord. No. 09-20-3253)
      (1)   Following delivery of a final notice, both the water and sewer service to the premises shall be discontinued for failure to pay services rendered. Such notice can be combined with other notices concerning services similarly billed; and
      (2)   Upon written request of the owner/occupant, the director of public works will affirm whether or not services were indeed rendered. If the services are determined to have been rendered, the full payment, including the late payment penalty, will be required. Services are deemed to be rendered even if the resident did not notify the village in writing that the services should be stopped, even if the service was not utilized by the owner/occupant.
(Ord. No. 10-06-3264; Ord. No. 2011-01-3282; Ord. No. 2012-04-3305; Ord. No. 2016-04-3394; Ord. 2017-08-3416; Ord. No. 2018-05-3436)