(a)   At every building, structure or premises that is supplied with water from the village waterworks or water service system, there shall be furnished and installed a water meter of a design approved by the board of trustees, for the purpose of controlling and measuring such water supply, which meter shall be furnished, installed and maintained at the cost and expense of the owner or person in control.
   (b)   Water for construction purposes shall be furnished subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   A water meter of suitable size shall be purchased and installed inside of the walls of the building at the time the main is tapped for service. The meter shall be protected from freezing in the winter months;
      (2)   A check and waste shall be fitted after the meter with riser extending above the box, provided with proper connections;
      (3)   At the time a building permit is secured, a deposit shall be made to cover the cost of water used in construction. The amount of the deposit will be as set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule and vary with the size of the building as follows:
Cubic Contents of Building
Up to 40,000 cubic feet
40,000 to 80,000 cubic feet
80,000 to l20,000 cubic feet
      (4)   The amount of deposit for buildings of greater size than mentioned above will be determined by the water department in each case.
   (c)   When water is no longer needed for construction, the water department will, upon 24 hours' notification, read the meter and the deposit, less amount deducted for water, will be returned to the depositor. Water will then be shut off by this department until regular application for water service has been made. The depositor will be held responsible for the condition of the meter and any repairs or replacements will be deducted from the deposit.
   (d)   The rate to be charged for water used for construction purposes will be as set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule.
(Ord. No. 2014-05-3357; Ord. No. 2016-04-3394)
   (e)   If upon inspection at any time it is found that the charge for water consumed exceeds, or probably will exceed, the amount of the deposit, the depositor will be given 48 hours' notice in which to deposit an amount sufficient, in the opinion of the water department, to cover the quantity of water to be used to complete the building. If the additional deposit is not made in the time specified, water will be shut off and no further service given until proper deposit is made.
(1929 Code, § 792)