(a)   Every person supplied with water from the village waterworks or water-service system shall, at his or her own cost and expense, keep in repair all pipes and appurtenances leading from the water main to his or her meter and prevent all waste of water from such pipes. If any person shall permit any such pipe or appurtenances to become broken or out of repair so that water is wasted thereby, the superintendent of water may, two days after serving a written notice on such person to repair such pipes or appurtenances, cut off the water from such premises, and whenever the water is so cut off it shall not be turned on again until the pipes or appurtenances have been placed in proper repair. The notice herein provided for may be served by personal service upon the owner or occupant or person in possession, charge or control of the premises or by mailing such notice to such person in possession, charge or control. The cost of installing the service pipe leading from the water main to the meter shall be borne by the person whose premises are supplied with water through such service pipe. All service pipes hereafter laid from the water main to the meter shall be not less than three-fourths inch in diameter and of copper.
   (b)   The superintendent of water may repair any leaks or breaks in a service pipe in the event of a failure on the part of the owner or occupant of the premises served to do so, and may do so in emergencies. If any such repairs are made by the superintendent of water, the cost thereof shall be a charge against and shall be paid by the person entitled to service from or through the pipe so repaired or replaced.
(1929 Code, § 791)