Unless otherwise expressly stated or the context clearly indicates a different intention, the following terms shall, for the propose of this article, have the meanings indicated in this section.
   AGENCY. Refers to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
   AGENCY'S REGULATIONS. Refers to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.
   APPROVED. Those backflow prevention devices or methods approved by the Research Foundation for Cross-Connection Control of the University of Southern California, the American Water Works Association, the American Society of Sanitary Engineering, the American National Standards Institute or certified by the National Sanitation Foundation.
   AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY. Any water source or system on or available to any premises, other than the waterworks system, and includes the water so supplied. These auxiliary waters may include water from a public water supply system; or water from a private or emergency water supply system; or water from a source such as wells, lakes or streams; or process fluids; or used water. These waters may be polluted or contaminated or objectionable or constitute a water supply system over which the village does not have control.
   BACKFLOW. The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distribution pipes of a potable water supply system from any source other than the intended source of the potable water supply system.
   BACK SIPHONAGE. A type of backflow in a pipe or plumbing device in which used, contaminated or polluted water flows back from a receptacle, or other source into a negative pressure in such pipe or plumbing device.
   CONTAMINATION. An impairment of the quality of the waterworks system or other potable water supply system by entrance of any substance to a degree that could create a health hazard.
   CROSS-CONNECTION. Any physical connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other a substance of unknown or questionable safety or quality, whereby there may be a flow from one system into the other. A DIRECT CROSS-CONNECTION is a cross-connection formed when the waterworks system or other potable water supply system is physically joined to a source of unknown or unsafe substance. An INDIRECT CROSS-CONNECTION is a cross-connection through which un unknown substance can be forced, drawn by a vacuum or otherwise introduced into the waterworks system or other water supply system.
   CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICE. Any approved device, method or type of construction intended to prevent backflow into the waterworks system or other potable water supply system. The term BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE shall be included in the definition of CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICE. All devices used for backflow prevention in Illinois must meet the standards of the Illinois Plumbing Code and the agency.
   CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICE INSPECTOR. Any person approved by the agency who is responsible for inspecting cross-connection control devices.
   CUSTOMER. The owner, occupant and/or person in possession, charge or control of any premises.
   CUSTOMER'S WATER SYSTEM. All parts of the water facilities beginning at the service connection used to convey water from the waterworks system to the premises, which facilities are deemed to be operated, controlled or owned by the customers.
   DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Any public or private organization established for the protection of public or private property from fire.
   DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY. An assembly composed of single, independently acting check valves approved under ASSE Standard 1015. A DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY must include tight shut-off valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water-tightness of each check valve.
   FIXED AIR GAP. The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water and the flood level rim of the receptacle.
   HEALTH HAZARD. Any condition, device or practice in a water system or its operation resulting in a real or potential danger to a person's health and well being. The term SEVERE as used to qualify HEALTH HAZARD means a hazard to the health of the user that could be expected to result in death or significant reduction in the quality of life.
   ILLINOIS PLUMBING CODE. 77 Ill. Adm. Code 890.
   INSPECTION. A plumbing inspection to examine carefully and critically all materials, fixtures, piping and appurtenances, appliances and installations of a plumbing system for compliance with the requirements of the Illinois Plumbing Code and this article.
   NON-POTABLE. The quality of water that does not meet public health standards for drinking water and is not suitable for human consumption.
   POLLUTION. The presence of any foreign substance (organic, inorganic, radiological or biological) in water that tends to degrade its quality so as to constitute a hazard or impair the usefulness of the water.
   POTABLE. The quality of water that meets public health standards for drinking water and is suitable for human consumption.
   PREMISES. Includes a lot or a part of a lot, a building or a part of a building, or any parcel or tract of land whatever.
   PROCESS FLUIDS. Any fluid or solution that may be chemically, biologically or otherwise contaminated or polluted in a form or concentration such as would constitute a health, pollution or system hazard if introduced into the waterworks system, a customer's water system, or any other potable water supply system. This includes, but is not limited to:
      (1)   Polluted or contaminated water;
      (2)   Used water originating from the waterworks system that may have deteriorated in sanitary quality;
      (3)   Contaminated natural water taken from wells, lakes, streams or irrigation systems;
      (4)   Chemicals in solution or suspension; and
      (5)   Oils, gases, acid, alkalis and other liquid and gaseous fluids used in industrial or other processes or for firefighting purposes.
   REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE. A device containing a minimum of two independently acting check valves together with an automatically operated pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves and approved under ASSE Standard 1013. During normal flow and at the cessation of normal flow, the pressure between these two checks shall be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve, by discharging to the atmosphere, shall operate to maintain the pressure between the check valves at less than the supply pressure. The unit must include tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end of the device, and each device shall be fitted with properly located test cocks.
   SERVICE CONNECTION. The opening, including all fittings and appurtenances, at a water main of the waterworks system through which water is supplied to the customer.
   SURVEY. The collection of information regarding the location of all connections between a customer's water system and the waterworks system and must include the location, type and most recent inspection and testing date of all cross-connection control devices and methods located within that customer's premises. The SURVEY must be in written form, and should not be an actual plumbing inspection.
   USED WATER. Any water supplied by the waterworks system after it has passed through the service connection and is no longer under the control of the village.
   WATER FUND. The monies or revenues of every kind arising by the operation of this article or any other ordinance relating to the waterworks system.
   WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. Any water source, supply or system, including all pipes, fittings and control valves, as well as the water so supplied. The term WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM shall not include the waterworks system, however.
   WATERWORKS SYSTEM. Includes all the system of pipes, hydrants, boxes, cocks, taps, meters, connections, reservoirs, tanks, engines, property and all appurtenances thereto, whereby water is or may be supplied to the public or to private parties within the village, operated, controlled or owned by the village. The term WATER-SERVICE SYSTEM shall be included in the definition of waterworks system.
(Ord. No. 90-14-1823)